Lolly's Story-The Hollow of Imagination

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Once upon a time there stood a great and wonderful looking lollipop. He was multi-colored in shades of blue and green. The lolly looked sweet and tasty. Even so, he had a problem. He had no legs. He needed to see the world but could not from the where he lived.

            One day while worrying about his problems a sweet little girl came along. She had hair of gold and the sweetest brown eyes you’d ever behold. The lolly looked in amazement as she neared him, “Oh my gosh! This Lolly has to be mine,” she said with excitement. Before he could react, she had grabbed the Lolly and proceeded out the door. Oh what excitement flourished over him. He was going to see the world and enjoy it with a beautiful young girl! “By the way my name is Angel.” She said. “My name is Lolly and I am excited to see the world with you!” So off they went to sight see. She took him everywhere, and where they went, they laughed, played and enjoyed what life gave them. Until one day when the worsest thing ever happened……..

            Until now Angel and Lolly had nothing but fun and he had no worries of being eaten either as most lollipops do. She cherished his handsomeness and eventually never thought of the idea of eating her best friend. It all came to an end though when an evil sadistic person came into sight.

            “Give me that lollipop now Angel!” Angel leapt up in fear trembling to see the evil girl of the neighborhood. It was Jayme. “Angel you have had the lollipop long enough and it is mine now, you had your turn!” Jayme roared at the top of her lungs. Before Angel could react, the mean bitter Jayme grabbed Lolly from her hands. Lolly grew sad and watched as Angel fell to the floor as Jayme pushed her. They both began to weep. “Jayme you cannot take him!” Angel said weeping. “Shut up! I am older, so it makes me the rightful owner.” Lolly began to fear the worse; being eaten. Jayme licked her lips and looked at Lolly with joy, “Lollipop oh you look so good, you deserve to be eaten by me, what was Angel thinking!” So she began to lick Lolly and he could not help it but cry his little sweet heart out. Jayme kept licking and started to crunch at his hard surface. Oh where was Angel he thought, I have to try something. So with all his might he wiggled and squirmed but nothing happened. He grew sadder but madder; he had to get back to Angel. (What most people do not realize is when Lollipops are in trouble, they become magical, especially when little girls are in trouble. They begin to glow with fascination and emit hope. Hope that only godly beings possess. Lolly does not realize this yet but coming his second try he will.) As Lolly tried again, he gave all he could and with a burst of what he could not explain he heard something. POP! He looked down in amazement, he grew legs! And ARMS! As he heard Angel still weeping, Lolly wiggled out of Jayme’s grasp and hit her witched face as hard as he could. CLUNK! Down she went like bricks. Lolly ran back to Angel. She stood up in amazement but was still sad. “Lolly your back! With legs and ARMS! But your half eaten…..” “Angel,” he said coughing, “I enjoyed this time with you, but Jayme made me so weak I do not know if I can go on….” Lolly fainted. Angel with a quick thought grabbed the lollipop and ran to the kitchen……


Lolly awoke in a daze and all he could see was his bestest friend Angel. “But how?” “My dad is a candy maker Lolly, you are all better now and we will never be apart.” Off they went into the wild world to sight see as both of them explored the unknown. Until…….

“Angel! That lollipop is mine!” Before Jayme could grab him, Angel hit her hard in the stomach. It made Jayme have a puzzled look when suddenly an awful smell erupted. “I shit my pants!” she yelled. Angel and Lolly began to laugh as they plugged their noses and watched Jayme walking at a struggle for new pants.

Lolly's Story-The Hollow of ImaginationWhere stories live. Discover now