Part 1

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btw u live on a farm so u look similar to the pic above obvi not as old lol


you wake and get ready and dressed the day and all of your chores for around the farm. you and your parents own 3 acres of farm land in Austin, Texas. you own sheep, cows and horses. you were in a program called 4H but grew out of it as your now 16. you ask your dad what needs to be done, "we need to give 6 ml of dewormer to the mother sheep and call the vet to make sure the cows are pregnant. then your mother set up a dinner with the new neighbors, apparently they have a son you age." he says with a bit of a morning voice as he drinks coffee. you go upstairs to quickly check messages and you social media. you the scroll through tiktok and come across a boy named "smkingaustin" you watch his video and give a like but think nothing of it. after a while you decide to call the vet and asked if 3 was okay to come check the cows and he said yes. you told your dad then went to go get your boots on to start deworming the sheep. you grab 8 halter as that's how many ewes(that's what a mother sheep is called) there are. after you finished tie them all to the feed bars you get the measurements in a syringe and slowly give it to them orally. after you untied them all and fed them. 

3 pm rolls around and the vet has showed up and is ready to check. your dad says that you didn't need to be here and that they had it under control so you left to go inside and watched more tiktoks. 

lots of time passed and your mom called you down stairs. " the new neighbors just pulled in!!!"  you both run to the window like children and look out you see three people get out of the car and recognize one of them. 'its that boy from tiktok!' you thought. 'he dose not belong down here in a farm land, he is not dressed for it at all. why is he here???' your mom tells you to get dressed as they come over in an hour and a half so you run up to your room. you pick out your favorite boot cut jeans and that make your ass look big haha. as well as a cute black halter top. you also put your hair in dutch braids to look trendy and but light makeup on. 

you heard the doorbell ring and get a little excited. you quickly but on a cute belt and went downstairs to greet them. your mom asked you to open the door and you did. "Hi! I'm y/n. Please come in!" they walk inside and your mom greets them at the island for drinks. "Hi I'm Mary Anne but you can call me Mary, this is my husband Joe and you have already met our daughter. We still have about 30 minuets till dinner would you like to show Austin around?" you nodded yes an walked down the hall toward the back door and asked if he wanted to see the animals and land, and he said yes. you walked out side and he was rushed with fresh are and just looked at the view. 

Austins pov

'holy crap' i thought to myself, this place is so nice. "So whats a trendy kid like you doing in farm lands?" she had the most beautiful voice like an angel. i reply "My dad had a job opportunity and we were all forced to move here." "Haha."  wow she laughed at my joke oh my god. 

your pov

this boy is really cute an wont stop staring at me, does he think i'm cute? hes way out of my league, who would ever want to date a farm girl.  "Here Bessy!" i yelled and one of the horses  came running up i could tell Austin was a little nervous because he took a step behind me. "Sorry, are you scared of large animals?" i knew he was because Bessy was anxious. i calmed her down by making her slow down and grabbed her harness. "um.. a little i'm a city kid so I've never been this close before." i told him she was the sweetest thing you'll ever meet and took his hand and placed it on her nose to tell him it was okay. i could tell he was still nervous so i said "wanna see something hilarious?" "always" he respond i whispered to Bessy "1...2...3.. go!" and clapped really loud and she went running in the other direction kicking her legs out. we both started laughing. "we should probably get inside i'm sure dinners almost ready." he nods and walks in with you. 

f is for farmOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz