author's note, 4/27/20.

21 1 0

"where the hell is the karma?"

hi, this is hope, or as many of you may have known me, paisley. as i continuously distance myself from this profile, i realized that i hadn't touched these books in forever. i've changed a lot as a person since i last updated this. it's been almost two years, actually.

i made a spur of the moment decision to make new covers for everything on this profile before i really leave, and along with updating that, i decided to do a new author's note/disclaimer for this story. not that anybody would care.

1. this "poetry" book goes over some things that may trigger some. if you feel like you may be prone to that, please don't read this, i don't want anybody to get hurt!

2. as i mentioned before, i have changed as a person since i wrote this. for the most part, i'd like to believe i am in a much better state mentally.

3. i'm just going to come out and say it, everything in here is shit. writing wise, that is.

that should be it. if for some reason you'd like to get in contact with me, please don't do so on this account, as i may never get back to you? so either go to my current account, iccceytea or my twitter @ ladyygrey11.

hope. 💞

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