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playlist ☆
¤ fallin all in you- shawn mendes
¤ imagination - shawn mendes
¤ everlasting - albert posis
+ add some of your fave songs!


Dojin's POV:

Holy crap what was that about?

If i'd get a dollar everytime I said 'holy crap', i'd be a millionaire by now..

but holy crap!

Jennie said as she backhugged me.

"You went out again without me!"
Jennie said making a pouty face.

Sometimes, I go out the dorm at 5 am alone.

Back then, me and Kuan Lin would take morning strolls everyday at 5 am.

I guess i'm used to waking up at 5am now..

We did everything together before,
but not now.

Author's POV:

"ugh babe what took you so long?"
Miaomiao said while she clings unto Kuan Lin's arms.

"Sorry babe, I--"

"It's okay, buy me some ice cream will you?"
Miaomiao cuts Kuan Lin off.

"such a cutie, okay babe let's go"
Kuan Lin responded, making Miaomiao jump in excitement.


"Aaah! i love this coffee bean flavored ice cream so much! thank you babeeee~"
Miaomiao said as she took another lick from her ice cream.

Kuan Lin smiled, seeing his girlfriend happy.

As he was looking around the cafeteria, he spotted Dojin, and her friend Jennie.

Tsk she looks so stupid running around the cafeteria with her friend

Kuan Lin was not aware that all this time, he was smiling while looking at her.


"O-oh sorry, are you done?"

"Who were you looking at?"
Miaomiao said, while fixing her collar.

"No one"

"Yeah, right"
Miaomiao said, walking away leaving Kuan Lin behind.

"Babeee wait~"

"Babeee wait~"
Miaomiao teased Kuan Lin's baby voice, and the two laughed together.

Jennie's POV:

"Do you remember when you were stuck at the tree then your father had to call the ambulance?"
Me and Dojin laughed, talking about our highschool days...

A while ago, I totally caught Kuan Lin staring at Dojin

Dojin doesn't really like talking about Kuan Lin, and the past,

Sometimes I tease her to Kuan Lin, but I know my limits!

The three of us were best friends way back in highschool.

Well, I was a transferee and it was just Dojin and Kuan Lin at first.

I could tell the both of them were very happy with each other's company.

They would do everything together, and I mean everything.

Sometimes they have their own inside jokes, and I would always feel left out, but it's no biggie.

Kuan Lin would prepare surprises for her in moments Dojin least expects it.

Wherever they go, they would stick to one another.
No one can separate them.

One day, Kuan Lin and Dojin suddenly stopped talking to each other.

I asked the both of them what had happened, but they would ignore me.
I guess they had a fight.

Dojin wouldn't dare talk to me, or anyone in school ever.

I don't know if she knows the real reason why Kuan Lin ignored her,

But I do.
And I don't know how to tell her.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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