THE Mission

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Tuck tuck tuck ... the sound of the shoes

And then suddenly Someone open the door and said

NJ - Sir can I come in

(Sir means Ram Naath) 

Sir - yes

Nj - Sir you called me

Sir - yes

2 minutes silence and he said.

Sir - please sit down Nj

(NJ Means Navayatan Joshi)

Sir- Nj you always fulfill all your mission, so today I am giving you a very big responsibility

Nj- how responsibility sir ?

Sir - it's a secret mission.

Nj - secret mission why me? Sir

Sir - because I know you are a smart boy and you are always clear your all mission. Nj but this time it's not easy .

Nj - what do you mean .

Sir - because only few people know about this mission Because some of our enemies are hiding among us by hiding their identity by us I know that you are a confident man that's why I am giving you the responsibility And
You have to remember that your mission is not in India but in London.

Nj - London ?

Sir - Yes London because that mission is going to happen in London.
And I will only give you 2 month
And in these 2 months you will have to complete this mission in some way.

Nj - but my college ?

Sir - don't worry, I will talk to your principal and get permission from him and you have to remember that this mission will be started after 1 month and the first start of this mission will be in India.

Nj - After 1 month, Sir, in India, Sir, you said that this mission will be in London, so why start this mission in India? And what will I have to do in this mission?

Sir - After 1 month only level 1 of this mission will start, level 2 will start in London 1 day after your exam, In this mission, you have to live alone among enemies with and you have to do our work by staying among those And what do you have to do in this mission, my secret agent will tell you everything later

Nj - hummm

Sir - Nj in some way you will have to complete this mission by 29 February. Nj Are you ready to do this mission?

Nj - yes sir

One day after exam.....


Chapter 1

( Introduction )

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