Chapter 4

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Ariana's P.O.V

I cant believe he said that. I've done nothing to him. I just cant take it anymore.

Zayn: Ar--

Me: Just....just dont talk me. *goes upstairs*

I need to get away from these people for a while. Ima see if Frankie is busy.

*Text Convo*

grande.glo: hey frankie u busy?? nahh whats up..?

grande.glo: u mabye wanna go to the park. I need to talk to someone. Sure, meet me there in 15

grande.glo: k

*text convo over*

After I got dressed ( outfit in comments) I went downstairs and heard Louis and Liam talking.

Louis: This is just a mess.

Liam: Yeah, if were all seperated then we wont be able to perform at any concert.

Louis: This is horrible.

Liam: Ariana shouldnt have came on tour with us.

Me: Well I guess thats my cue to leave then.

Liam: Wait A--

Me: Just forget it *leaves*

When I got to the park me and Frankie walked and talked.

Frankie: So whats been going on?

Me: Wayy too much. First of all Niall freakin hates me and idk why. Then Liam wishes I wasnt on tour with them, and I just want to go home.

Frankie: Ari you cant give up like this. Just because they want you out doesnt mean you have to leave. Stay and show them who's boss.

Me: Lol ok Frankie I will for you. *gives hug*

When I got back all of them were sitting in the living room,quiet. Harry was crying and Niall was smirking.

Louis: Umm Ari, we have to tell you something. You might get mad but its the right thing to do.

Me: Ummm ok what is it Lou.?

Louis: *sighs* Ariana we dont want you on tour with us anymore.


LOL, buddd updating mabye next week or so.

BYEEEEEEEEE *does shmoney dance*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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