Piece - 4

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Omkara opened his eyes and looked around himself. It was an unfamiliar space which seemed similar to a hospital ward.

"Hospital???" He thought to himself, he couldn't figure out what exactly happened to him. He felt as if he has been in sleep for ages. Just then, he realised another presence in the room. He wasn't alone, someone else was there, right beside him. He rose up, resting his back against the headpost. He sighed shifting His gaze to the petite figure beside, he could easily recognise who exactly it was. Resting her head on the bed with her eyes closed while sitting on a stool beside him, it was none other than Gauri.

"What is she..." Omkara couldn't figure out why she was there and how did he end up in hospital.

"Fire..." Omkara mumbled as he began to remember what happened. There was a short circuit in the chemistry lab and the room caught fire... Everyone from her class somehow managed to get out but she couldn't... and then...

"Gauri....!!!!"  Annika shouted out her name along with Bhavya and other classmates. Both of them tried to go inside the building to save their friend but were stopped by others because it was dangerous. Fire rescuers were on their way but by that time the fire was already out of control.

Gauri was trying her best to get out of that place but the fire surrounding her was getting stronger by every passing second. The chemical smoke was making her feel light headed.

Just when Her vision was somewhat becoming blurry... She heard the shattering sound of glass. Someone seemed to broke into the room through the window. She saw the pieces of glasses getting scattered all over the place like sparkling fragments of jewel... and midst of them, she saw a tall figure walking between the fire flames...

"Omkara ji...??" she mumbled his name, not being able to tell whether he was really there or she was seeing things... her vision wasn't clear because of the surrounding smoke but she was sure she saw it... She saw how desparately he was looking here and there for something... Was he searching for her???
After sulking in rain over some old memories  and drinking for a whole night before, Omkara was lying in that shaddy old council room with his body burning up with high fever when he heard those noises coming from outside. Soon he found about the fire incident but he didn't go to take a close look. Partly because he thought it might be a minor accident. The other reason was that his body was weak due to fever. Also, it was better not to show up because people would start staring at him again as if he's some sort of monster or something. Not that he cares about them. Its just bothersome for him to stay calm by the constant staring.

Omkara decided that he should not go, but then... some sort of uneasiness kept bugging him... As if something told him that he should be there... So he finally went, only to realise it wasn't a minor accident but something serious.

" But it looks like no one was harmed... Well... I guess there's nothing to worry" thinking this to himself, Omkara was about to go, when he suddenly heard Annika calling out HER NAME, making him halt his breath for a moment. She was there... Inside that burning building.

He couldn't tell from where he got his strength back, but his legs moved on their own. Running towards the west wing of that building, he stood before the backside of that lab where the intensity of the fire was lesser than that of the outside. There was only a window but it was big enough for someone to go through it.

He didn't know if it was the fever or something else that got into him, but the next moment, he found himself punching on the window vigorously like an insane man and then jumping in the middle of fire without a second thought. His eyes were impatiently searching for her until they finally found her standing surrounded by the golden red flames, trembling in fear....

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