For Keeps

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It's amazing and funny how time flies;
We are now a decade after so many trials.
I remember we looked so naive and young;
But after we braved the battles our success is still unsung.

I did not like you first because we had a friend;
Seemed you kidnapped me but you meant not to offend.
Concluding to bid 'adios' and flee the perfect flat;
Starting anew despite the threat of a dangerous gnat.

Together we were shopping, cooking and spooning;
It was a lifelong destiny not everyone imagining.
I confessed that was a perfect love nest, we were thrilled;
Thank God you did not blow it up otherwise you'll get killed.

The devil was so jealous his eyes were sore;
So he wielded actions that would lift the anchor.
We devoured the flesh they were pathological;
It's like tasting ecstasy and hell it was illogical.

We had our fun and cry moments, oh we're such a crazy;
I'm addicted to your fart that's when I wanna call you baby.
We're too engrossed and drowning we didn't take notice;
It made our partnership hotter and longer like a summer solstice.

I composed this poem not to make you cry;
I did not overdo it, important is 'us' is not a lie.
It seemed even the odds were in our favor after all;
So we should rejoice, be included and stand tall.

I dedicate this poem to put a smile on your face;
And wishing forever is but God's grace.
Angels blowing their horns and singing our untitled song;
Even poems were unfamiliar but only they meant since birth we belong.

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