Number One

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"Freak"  the beautiful people giggle, their words trailing from their perfect lips in a thin white cloud.

I roll my eyes and turn up my music, mumbling the lyrics to myself. I close my eyes to embrace the darkness with a deep sigh. My breaths slowing and calming, I continue to walk.

Not seeing where I'm heading, I slam straight into the chest of someone.

"Shit," I shriek as I fall back, closing my eyes again, ready for the empact of the cold, wet concrete floor. I never feel it, though I do feel the warmness spreading through my small, ice cold hands.

I look up to the person who caught me. His ice blue eyes piercing my soul with embarrassment. I had ran into Clark Kendrick, Mr. Dreamy with a social status higher than Snoop Dogg at 4:20.

"Um sorry, my fault" I stutter humiliated and while pulling myself up. He raises an eyebrow at my charcoal black eyes-shit. He sees them swirling.

Clark's eyes lock with mine, looking deep into my soul with curiosity. I take my hand out of his and rush off repeating, "I'm sorry"

He says nothing, wonder struck. I had messed up again, now I'm a freak to someone else. Someone who was a sweet haven, fore I could not feed off of his emotions.

-End of shitty prototype one-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2014 ⏰

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