chapter 1 blushes and budding romance

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"gumballs on another "date" with fionna huh? not for long!" says marshall, as he spys bubba awkwardly trying to chat up fionna. "so you kiss her yet bub?" he says popping into thier conversation. bubba crossing his arms shouts "how rude of you! we were actually having a very nice talk." "oh really ? " marshall replys "well then fionna what was this intimate convo about ?"  fionna staring blankly whispers "cake..just. frosting and types of cakes" bubba starts to blush as marshall gives him a smirk . "cake is good OKAY?" shouts bubba, his cheeks get pinker as marshall winks and says " i love cake" . the conversation between the three is interupted as cake grows and shouts in marshalls face "you dont love me foo' ! " shaking her hips and wagling her finger. marhsall face palms and puts his arm around gumball and declares " i didn't mean you cake"  then looks at bubba "why're you still blushin' ..buddie?" bubba throws his arm off of him"i-im not blushing!! get off me" marshall exhales a deep sigh, sitting quietly he forms a plan. not wasteing another minute, he snatches fionnas hat, throwing it as hard as he can, shouting after it fionna runs off. marshall scoops up bubba "thats much better! stop wiggling bub! i dont want to drop ya'! "WHAT THE GLOB ARE YOU DOING?! " holding bubba face to face , chests pressed against eachothers " trying to not let you fall ya' butt" both of them blush and gumball asks "w-why are you taking me away?" marshall whispers "because im a selfish little boy" slowly they go in for a kiss , thier lips just barely touching . suddenly, marshall drops bubba, but instead of the reaction he figured he'd get bubba calmly fell through the air waiting as marshall catches him. "you weren't scared?" . "of course not, i know youd never drop me, you're too selfish" he smirks and kisses him , marshall blushes, closing his eyes holding bubble tight as he floats them down to the ground. hearing fiionna call from the trees, marshall shoves bubba off, both of them blushing as fionna returns "you two werent fighting were you? you better not of hurt him marshall! " shaking her fist. marshall laughs softly punching gumballs arm " na' i didnt rough him up too bad , right bubba? " holding his arm he replys " no he-he im fine, fionna, would you kindly help me pack my things and head to the castle?" "sure pal!" as bubba leaves, marshall sneaks a wink at him, turning to fly home as well with the lingering taste of strawberry on his lips, he licks them thinking of his kiss until hes home, as he fall asleep with a smile on his face, still tasteing his sweet prince. while gumball lay awake, frantically writing in his journal, snug in his bed hugging it tight he makes a dramatic fall across the pillows and letting out a high pitched sigh, as his eye lids grow heavy licking his lips once, bubba's head drops to the pillow dreaming sweetly.

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