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He exited into the observation room, and made to storm out of the door. The wrath of his anger boiled the entire room.

“James,” one of the guys called just as James had reached the door. All eight eyes in the room turned-the woman from the interrogation earlier, Acton who forced Remy to the room and another male and female.

James stopped, his eyebrows pulled down, eyes narrowed.

“What do we do with her?” Daniel asked.

The air stilled, James kept his eyes trained on Daniel.

“The girl becomes one of us,” he paused, the air was noosed with silence, “that or we kill her.”


“Get in there.”

My elbow cracked against the ground as my body crashed down with his force.

Acton watched me struggle, shaking his head in disgust.

“What are you going to do with me?” I croaked, barely above a whisper from my hoarse voice. My throat was raw, ground up from the lack of water. It felt like a garden rake was being dragged down the hamburger flesh of my throat.

He stuck his foot out, ready to turn.

“Wait!” I cried, “wait…”

He walked out like he hadn’t even heard me, the door slamming in his wake.

And I was left to myself.

Wood walls stared back at me, their blankness draining me of any spite left. I was broken, shattered, tossed aside.

I pick myself up and scoot a couple of feet to the wall of the room. The room was only seven or so feet long, barely enough room for a bed, let alone the bare chair crushed against it.

“I can’t do this,” I murmured, drawing my knees up to my chin, “I can’t do this.”

The school had to figure that I was missing eventually; my RA would notice I was gone. Someone would have to notice, wouldn’t they?

I imagined my mother, my father. They had always wanted me to call them every night. Those frequent phone calls ended a few weeks after college began. I hadn’t checked up that often in two years. I could imagine my dad’s gruff voice wrapping around me. His voice was so old; he always had the characteristic old sound of a grandpa…

Before long, my eyes were shut. They stayed shut for three days.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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