Chapter One

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~Well you look like yourself~ 

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~Well you look like yourself~ 

~But you're somebody else~

~Only it ain't on the surface~

I pulled the stretched, worn wool over my hands, curling the fabric into my palms "How are you so calm about this. The black lake was scary enough, and don't even get me started on that whole dragon situation! You could die" I rant like a grumbling mother, my panted nail wiggling in front of Cedric's face. 

His eyes practically roll to the back of his head when he looks down at me, throwing his lanky arm over my shoulder "You know what's worse then dying?" He queries, raising one bushy brown eyebrow 

Now its my turn to roll my eyes "What Ced? what could possibly be worse then dying hmm?" my arms now crossed angrily over my chest. 

"Being a-a-a loser!" he shrieks, planting his hands on my upper arms and jossling me from side to side, My long blonde hair swishing around my face and sticking to my lip gloss. 

I bat his arms away as he cackles like a hyenna "Would you sod off! Honestly Ced, you really are a class A arsehole sometimes" 

We stand together for a second and stare up at the growing crowd, students filling into the stands. Hitting and swatting each other, signs and horns present in everyone's hands. I spot my crowd, sat close to the front, giggling and waving dramatically. Sydney stretching so far over the railing she looks like she might snap in half, trying and failing to grab the attention of a random Dumstrang boy. Rupert and Calvin playfully flinging their arms over each other and ruffling each others hair, it almost looks like a muggle Hollister advert, making me cringe internally. Piper rummaging through her tattered brown messenger bag covered in graffiti and holes, finally producing an extremely large banner decorated with flourishes of colour. Animated badgers dancing along the edges of the paper, and slap bang in the middle CEDRIC THE CHAMPION  bursting with fireworks and glitter.  

Before I even turn to look at Cedric, I can already picture the toothy grin that's bound to be present on his face. Yep, there it is. 

A bit of back story, Cedric, my dear dear brother, has been infatuated with my lovely friend Piper since I met her. She comes from a muggle family so we definitely hadn't ever seen her around before. He was practically drooling when she came round for the first time. I mean I can't blame him, she's gorgeous. Long black hair, doe eyes, pale moonlike blemish free skin, she carries that innocent look about her. If people only knew the devil she truly was. half the detentions I have received are because of her and Sydney. 

"She's finally caving, can you smell that Lex?" he sniffs the air like an idiot, licking his finger and feeling the wind "That's the smell of victory" 

My ring clad hand swings round and lands a perfect shot in his stomach, he crunches down to the floor, gagging whilst gripping his abdomen "If you would just tell her how you feel already you wouldn't HAVE to stick your grubby finger in the air like a loony" I shout in his ear. 

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