Chapter 6

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"Let's just get through the day first. I need to get my mind off this entire thing."

The work day wasn't hard or tiresome, but it required all of my attention. I was thankful for that, it kept my mind off that man and that contract; much so that I forgot he said he's meeting me after work.

I got off work with Azalea and we decided to have dinner at my apartment. "Listen if I where you I'll marry him and after a couple of years divorce him, take half his money and run far away. You'll get more if you make a kid or two." "Marry him? Why should I? I hardly know him." As soon as I said that the door bell rang. I opened the door without looking at the security monitor to see who it was. "Hey babe, did you eat dinner as yet?" "Please don't call me that and no we were just about to cook." Azalea popped her head around the corner "Hey boss" "Hello Ms. Smith. I'll treat both of you to dinner if you don't mind." "I don't and I'll drag Ms. Grumpy pants with me." "I'll be downstairs waiting."

"Azalea I really don't want to get too involved with this man, let's just cook our dinner here and relax." As soon as those words left my mouth the doorbell rang. I opened the door and surprise, surprise it was Wonho. "What are you doing here?" "I'm here to take both of you out for dinner." "Oh goody we don't have to cook tonight Kiara. Let me just grab my bag." I let out a heavy sigh but I didn't fight them. I really wasn't in the mood to cook tonight either.

We arrived at a dismal looking restaurant only twenty minutes away from my apartment. As we entered I could hear that it wasn't empty. We were escorted to a huge room to the back of the restaurant where we were greeted by the rest of the Monsta x members. Sitting in front of me was Shownu, Minhyuk, Kihyun, Hyungwon, Jooheon and Changkyun. They all greeted Wonho what loud cheering, who held me by , my shoulders and looked at them. "Everyone beautiful woman on my side is Kiara, my bride to be." I was horrified. I wanted to curl into a ball and never face these people again. "And this other beauty is Azalea, Kiara's right hand woman."

We greeted everyone and found our sits. I pulled Wonho into a private conversation. "I did not agree to anything as yet, why would you tell them that." "But you did. Plus I ready got your parents approval and I'm flying them in within the next few days. "You did what?!?" I said that i little to loudly. Everyone around the table got quite and looked over at us.  Minhyuk was the one to break the silence. "Look at the lovers already fighting, it's so cute" That was the icing on the cake, everyone burst out laughing and all I could do was sink into my chair. "Wonho can I talk to you outside?"

We got up using the excuse that he was showing me where the washrooms were. The second we reached the washroom he pulled me in the gents and locked the door. "Finally I have you alone"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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