Mistakes Were Made..

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I was drifting in and out of sleep when my room door swung open, "Why are you not answering your phone" Monti yelled walking in my room and closing the door behind him. "I was about to take a nap, my phone is on Do Not Disturb," I said jumping up.

"You pregnant?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. "Why you ask" I asked nervously looking around. "Amber told me," he said sitting an IHOP bag on my bed, I peaked in the bag, avoiding his question. 

"Answer me Robyn," he said, running his hand down his face. 

I nodded my head, shyly. "why you ain't tell me?" he asked dropping down on the bed next to me covering his face with a pillow. "I was gonna tell you after I graduated," I whined. "That's 3 months from now!" He yelled. "Keep your voice down" I said nudging him. 

"Does your mom know" he asked, taking a to-go plate out of the bag and handing it to me. I looked at him, "It's waffles, now answer my question" he said handing me a handful of syrup. "Yea, she took me to get these," I said reaching in my nightstand and picking up my bag of prescriptions that I got from the pharmacy.  He opened the bag and dumped everything on to the bed. "All this?" He asked with a confused look on his face. I nodded, opened my plate and drowned my waffles in syrup. "But what are all of these for?" He asked trying to read every one of the four pill bottles that were prescribed to me. 

"I forgot what the doctor said but I know they're  good for me and the baby" I said stuffing a piece of waffle in my mouth.

"Why didn't you tell me, Robyn?" He asked in a pleading tone. "I don't know Monti, It was a one time thing and, I didn't wanna mess up anything with you and your girl" I said looking down

He sighed, "You know I love you and I will always be here for you, through anything" He said lifting my head up and looking into my eyes. My eyes started to water, so I closed them, trying not to let any tears fall. 

These damn hormones. 

"Come here, come on" he said taking my plate out of my hands and moving it to the foot of the bed. He picked me up and put me on his lap. I couldn't help but let my tears fall. "I'm so sorry Monti, I should have told you when I found out, I'm sorry, I am just so scared" I said finally breaking down "Robyn it's okay, the only thing that matters is that I know now, and we're in this together, just you and me, okay.. I got you Robyn" He said rubbing my back. 



I don't remember going to sleep, but I woke up and Monti wasn't in the bed anymore. I sat up and seen a note on my plate 'I had to work, but I'll probably be back later tonight'  it read. I put the note down, picked up my phone to call Amber. 

"I know you're about to yell at me Robyn, but can you meet me at the mall, you can yell while we eat American Deli" She said without even saying hello. "I hate you bitch" I said hanging up the phone. 

I got up so I can get in the shower and get dressed, I looked down at my small belly and started tearing up.

Together , We can do this together. 

authors note: 

I wrote this part back in January 2017.. I miss writing !

I know I have been gone for quite sometime but I am back and I'm going to be doing some editing and updating of my old books and I'm going to republish them... 

I'm starting with this one first because I really wanna see where I can go with this lol

Thank you all for sticking with me and, if your new here;  WELCOME! I promise you'll love it here, 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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