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Present day

He heard the screaming, as if it were coming from a distance. The smoke burned his throat, his eyes watering from sand and the raging fire, sweat poured down his body soaking through his uniform.

"Please, please you're hurting me!" The voice was screamed laced with unbridled panic

Logan tightened his hold and heard the choking escalate, nails scratching violently down his arm the man struggled as his life ebbed away.

"Logan" the fear was palpable.

"Logan please"

He shouted as pain ripped up his arm, the bastard had a plier. And his fingernail was in its teeth.

"Logan!, it's me Ava!, please you're hurting me!"

It was then that he heard the thunder, the rain

It never rained in Afghanistan that night.

2 years ago

Logan wold would have sighed with relief as he was lowered into a steel chair if it weren't for the fact that breathing hurt, He had been hanging suspended from the roof the past couple of days and was positive that at least two of his ribs were broken.

The soldier tying his arms to the chair arms glared at him, his teeth bared. "You should have just answered the questions when I asked" he said. There was a banging on the door and he left to open it, through his swollen eyes, Logan watched Fuad, the leader of the rebels walk in.

"Mustapha tells me you've refused to talk" he started, "Not that I expected you to anyway" he stopped beside the chair and spread out his purse on the stool beside it, Logan didn't need to look to know the content of the purse. "You're obviously one of the stubborn ones, you believe yourself loyal eh?", a short humorless laugh, "it will please me very much to break you soilder" he continued, picked a small plier and holding it close to his face as if examining it.

"So tell me, where are the rest of the troops?" He asked taking a sit on the stool Mustapha set down

Logan kept quite, just staring at the man, Fuad and his rebels have wrecked havoc across the state for 3 years and he didn't appear to be slowing down, Logan had lost one too many of his comrades to the bastard.

"He thinks he got spirit" Fuad laughed turning to look at Mustapha who joined in the laughter. He turned to Logan and picked up the middle finger of his right hand, "You're not leaving here alive, but just imagine you could eh?, what is a soilder without his fingers hmmmn?" He asked and pinned the fingernail in between the pliers' teeth

"Tell me, where are the rest of your comrades?", Logan remained silent

"No?" Fuad laughed and proceeded to violently yank the nail out from its root.

Logan howled in pain.

1 month ago

The plan had been to take the military base when Odette Boucher the leader of a French trafficking ring was on site, and Logan intended to make the arrest himself, he caught the leg of the front guard on site and dragged him down with him into the water, giving him no chance to shout. He put a bullet in his skull and climbed on deck, he moved into the shadow quickly as another guard came by possibly after hearing the splash, he waited for the guard to go past him before stepping behind him and slashing his throat, taking out his gate card before pushing him into the water and waited. Two down, twelve to go

Immediately he heard the clearance that the other agents had successfully taken down the other guards closest to him , he cleared the door with the card and pulled it open and walked into the building carefully.

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