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Two days after rescue

      "I don't understand" Logan Adams growled pulling his phone away from his ear to glare at it, this was just some fucked up situation, he thought angrily

     "I know it's kind of unusual...." his psychologists Dr Patrick started

      "It's not kind of unusual, it's downright fucking crazy, I'm not coming!, the rescue is over, not to talk of the fact that I'm retired damn it!" He yelled exasperated

      "She needs you Logan, and I'm sure it'll be of help to you too..." a pause "come to the hospital, she's awake again and asking for you"

      "I'm not coming, and that's that" Logan hung up the call and slammed his phone down on the table he was sitting at

       He wasn't going to go, he wasn't obligated to, all these years of his life he had dedicated and he was finally out and this happens?, he was fucked up already as it were, what the hell else did they want from him?, baby sitting duties?

    Logan stood from the breakfast stool and went to lie on his couch, he needed sleep, he could feel a headache coming

   But as he closed his eyes, green soulful eyes stared at him, hopeful, pleading, in need.

   Groaning, Logan yanked the pillow out from under his head and covered his face with it, trying to block her out

     Two days!, that's what it was!, for the two days since the rescue operation had been successful, green eyed girl had hunted his dreams. He didn't see the Muslim woman on her knees clutching her child to her beasts having her throat slit open anymore, he saw the green eyed girl on her knees instead

    He hadn't had those dreams in over two weeks before the operation, Dr Patrick thought he was making progress, and then this last mission and it was all back to square one?

    Sitting up, Logan scrubbed his palm down his face, he eyed his keys sitting on the center table in front of him and before he could stop to think better of it, he grabbed them and then his phone and headed for the door

          Present day

      Logan's eyes flew open and he scrambles off his bed, searching for the threat, he found her right there, in the middle of his bed, her hands wrapped around her throat, his filled with fear and leaking tears staring at him

     "I'm sorry.... I'm so so sorry" she choked over and over again, visibly shaking

   Logan stared wordlessly at her trying to comprehend what was going on, what the fuck was she doing in here

        "You're in my room" he stated slowly, looking around, as if just realizing it himself

         She didn't seem to be listening to him, she was practically hyperventilating, trying but failing to untangle herself from his sheets

         "What the fuck are you doing in my room?!" Logan shouted, he seemed to have gotten her attention then because although she was still shaking like a leaf she stopped chanting

         "I couldn't sleep..." she sobbed pitifully "I just couldn't!, I dozed off for a while and forgot to leave the lights on like said and then I.....I woke up and it was dark.... dark out but everywhere I looked, it was tha.....I'm so sorr....." she started crying all over again

       Logan pinched the bridge of his nose fighting for patience, he fucking told Dr Patrick this was a bad idea

         "Hey!" Logan said firmly trying to get her attention

        "Hey!"he shouted this time putting a knee on the bed and reaching for her

         Logan stopped midair as she flinched away from him protecting her face, he stood immediately walking to the door

        "Look, I don't know how the fuck Dr Patrick thought this was going to help us but it sure as hell isn't working, I'm going....."

        "Don't send me back, oh please Logan ..... don't send me away from here" Ava cried giving up on untangling herself, she sat there in the middle of the bed knees up to her chin and her arms wrapped around her thighs

"The other girls had families to go back to!, I don't!," she sobbed into her legs

Logan watched her from his position by the door, he had the good mind to leave her here and sleep on the couch downstairs, maybe even lock here so she wouldn't get to him for her own damn good!

The thought left his head as soon as it had popped up, what difference would there be between him and the monsters who had taken her in the first place. Sighing, he rested his back on the door and just stared at her, waiting for her to stop crying

It seemed to take forever but when she finally did, she peeked at him from behind her arm

"I'm so sorry" she whispered, her voice was hoarse and dry but slightly , so Logan went to the bathroom, filled her a glass of water and went to the bed to give it to her

Careful not to spook her, he sat at the edge of the bed and watched her watch him extend the glass to her, she slowly took it and sipped tentatively

"The whole glass, Ava, drink everything" he murmured tiredly

She nodded and drank some more. Logan waited for a while before speaking

"You shouldn't be in here" he started gently, when he saw that she was not going to speak, he continued "I couldn't have killed you Ava, you shouldn't have come in here" he continued taking in her fingers clenched tightly around the glass

"I saw that you were sleeping, I shouldn't have creeped up on you....I'm sorry... I was going to sleep already when you started having the nightmare..... I was trying to wake you u...," Ava explained quietly

"Don't ever do it again!, do you hear me?, I couldn't have hurt you more seriously than a couple of bad bruises Ava!, and I wouldn't even have known it!" He shouted a standing from the bed and beginning to pace

"I'm sorry" she cried, her hiccups started again "I felt safer being here with you!, I've not been able to sleep this past week!, the pills are not working...."

       "I don't know what we're going to do about this, but it's definitely not working, I'm going to lock the door of my room henceforth, it's not safe for you to be in the same room with me while I'm asleep let alone  try to wake me up" Logan groaned pausing to pin her with his stare

      "I'd never do it again.....I ... I promise"

     Logan pinched his nose yet again and looked up to the ceiling, he told himself it was the humane bit that still remained in him and not her beautiful green eyes that made him decide

     "I'm locking my door starting tonight, get back to your room Ava, leave the lights on and lock your door if you wish, just don't ever come in here"

      With that, Logan waited for her to untangle herself from the sheets and walked to the door, he followed behind her, measuring his steps so as not to crowd her as she went into the corridor to her room, he watched her switch on the light and then head straight for her bed, she'd left her door wide open and for some reason that didn't surprise him

      It wasn't foreign to him to feel like he was locked in...even inside him own home

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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