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They were enjoying themselves, reaching a point where they watched random videos on YouTube. They looked out to the shaded windows and saw light slowly creeping in. It was almost sunrise.

"Huy, umaga na pala!"

Lita tapped Ben's shoulder at the realization.

He responded with a yawn.

"O sige, let's sleep na. Good niiiiiiiiiiiiight!"

He placed a kiss on the top of her head before turning his back and laying down.

"Huy, you're forgetting something."

She pulled on his shirt.

"Ah, right. Good morning nga pala."

He responded quickly.

"No. We're supposed to be going to Samal today, remember?"

She raised her brow.

"As much as I want to join, we obviously don't have the energy for that. You can join if you want to."

He shrugged and closed his eyes.

"You know that I wouldn't have fun anyway if you're not there."

She squished his cheeks together.

"I'm really tired...And you're so clingy."

He teased her as he raised the blanket to cover his face.

"Hey, you're clingy too! Anyway, don't you want to visit the beach? Soak in the sun? Bathe in the cool water, feeling the waves?"

She was trying to convince him.

"Fine, I'll admit that I wouldn't have fun without you as well. But we can have fun right here, just the two of us, in this bed!"

He bargained.

"Hey! Your mind!"

She widened her eyes in response.

"No - your silly mind. We can soak in the comfort of the blanket, bathe in the tub and feel each other's warmth. It is also equally fun, don't deny it - sleep + food is life."

He smirked. He knows that he got her.

"Ugh. You do know my truest desires."

She relented, laying down on the bed herself and resting her head on his chest.

"I probably should message Mommy Bei that we're not coming.

He grabbed his phone, sent the message and went back to their cuddling.

"I was really looking forward to going to Samal. It will be our first non-work trip together. I mean...Yes, work was our main purpose but it'll be our first getaway without the cameras. Remember what you said about us having a bonding trip?

She sighed.

"I do remember. Don't worry, we'll go to Samal next time. We'll have more adventures together."

He squeezed her shoulder affectionately as reassurance.


"I swear."

So they got away from a getaway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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