Chapter Twenty-Four: Candid

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Jared left around midnight, leaving me alone in my room with my thoughts running amok.

My eyes were wide open, and I knew I wouldn't be falling asleep anytime soon. I tossed and turned for a while, finally settling on my back with my eyes fixed on the ceiling.

It was only then that it hit me. What I had said to Jared...

I mentally facepalmed myself out of embarrassment, but Jared had seemed surprisingly okay with it after our little argument in the tub.

What had come over me? Why in the world had I asked Jared about meeting my parents? What else had I blurted out? Oh, my God, I must be losing my mind. It had all been too much for one day. Way to go, Jade.

The weekend still loomed ahead of me, and I had no idea how I was going to make it through the rest of the week.

I felt utterly lost. Dread consumed me.

What if this Tyrone guy was all for this plan as well? Perhaps I should try talking to him, make it clear that I'm not and never will be in favor of this arrangement. I hoped we could be on the same page, and if so, he could talk to my father about how vehemently opposed I was to this idea... I prayed for that outcome.

Or perhaps not.

I remembered the Robertsons often mentioning that Tyrone had been raised with a business mindset, much like the rest of his family, dedicating his time to help his father build their reputation as one of the most powerful figures in HOPE, following in my father's footsteps. Clayton and my father were very close friends, which explained their willingness to let their children carry on what they had "started." If this so-called "arrangement" meant an increase in wealth for both parties, I was sure this Tyrone guy would agree without hesitation.

That realization crushed my hopes into the ground. Of course, Tyrone would be on board with this arrangement; his upbringing had likely been molded in a similar way to my father's, centered around business and success. He would undoubtedly agree swiftly, especially if it was in the interest of their family's wealth.

I had exhausted any remaining options for the possibility of changing my father's mind. I felt utterly helpless.

My mind was overwhelmed, and I could hardly bear to think about it any longer.

I let out a sigh of exhaustion.

Why did I have to go through this? Meeting a guy my parents had arranged for me to be with before I was even born... It was sickening. I wondered if Gramps had known about this.

Of course not... My grandfather would never allow such a thing. He didn't think like my father.

"What should I do?" I whispered, addressing my question specifically to my late grandfather, though I knew I was speaking into empty air.

I no longer held out hope that Tyrone would be in the same predicament. Considering how his parents spoke of him, he didn't seem to desire his freedom as much as I did. Or perhaps he felt free because his choices aligned with his father's...

I just needed to make it through this weekend... Maybe by then, everything would fall into place as it was meant to be.



The rest of the week passed in a blur, and before I knew it, the weekend had arrived.

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