Chapter 2 ~ The arrangement

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I hung up the phone and started to pack my things up and leave. I then saw Sungjae was following me.

Soo-young: "Aishh, why are you following me, I need to go, this is not the time to argue with you"

And with that I leave and run towards my bus stop.

After arriving home, Soo-young runs upstairs and greets her mum.

Soo-young: "Sorry Eomma, I completely forgot I had promised you"

Mum: "It's ok. The most important thing for you right now is to get dressed in your best clothes as we need to go to the restaurant and I want to introduce you to someone".

Soo-young: "Sure Eomma, who is it by the way?"

Mum: "You'll see my dear."

Soo-young rushes to the bathroom, showers and wears her best clothes. Her mother comes in to do her hair and makeup.

Soo-young: "Eomma, thank you for doing my hair and makeup so nicely.. You deserve to be a cosmetologist".

Mum: "Aishh, stop flattering me my dear, you are beautiful and that's why I want to do your hair."

Soo-young: "Whose genes have I inherited Eomma?" I say with a grin

Soo-young finishes getting ready and sits inside the car waiting for her father to come. After a while, they arrive at the famous restaurant in Seoul, 'Jungsik Dang'.

Mum: "Soo-young I want you to be on your best behaviour and make sure you greet your elders properly."

Soo-young: "Ok Eomma"

Mum: "Come on let's go inside" (she says whilst opening the door of the restaurant)

"Hello ma'am, have you reserved a table?"

"The VIP room under the name of Kim Jisoo, please, thank you."

The waiter took us to the end of the restaurant where he directed the room to us and we went in. Already seated inside was a lady who looked like she was in her early thirties and a man who looked like he was in his mid-thirties. My mother greeted them and I did the same.

Mum: "Annyeonghaseyo (Hello), I hope we haven't kept you waiting."

Mrs Yook: "No, no we just arrived a few minutes ago."

Mum: "Mira, this is my daughter Soo-young also known as Joy.Soo-young greet your elders."

Soo-young: "Annyeonghaseyo Ajumma (Auntie)  and Ahjussi (Uncle) ."

Mrs Yook: "Annyeonghaseyo my dear, you look just like your mother, very pretty."

Soo-young(blushes): "Thank you."

As I was sitting down at the table someone entered the room, and I was only able to see his back, but he seemed familiar to me and I wasn't able to see his face properly until he sat down next to Ajumma.

It was Sungjae.

Sungjae P.O.V

I returned from the bathroom and as I sat down next to my mother, my mother started to introduce me to an aunt, uncle and there was a young girl.

Mum: "Sungjae, greet your elders."

Sungjae: "Annyeonghaseyo Ajumma and Ahjussi."

Mr and Mrs Park: "Annyeonghaseyo."

Mum: "This is their daughter Soo-young, Soo-young-ah this is my son Sungjae".

We both looked up.

Sungjae: "You!!"

Soo-young: "You!!"

Sungjae: "Yah what are you doing here?"

Soo-young: "I'd like to ask you the same thing"

Mum: "Oh, you two know each other."

Sungjae: "Yes Eomma, we go to the same school."

Mum: "Really, that's great, then, there's no need for me to introduce you two, so let me get straight to the point, 'You two are getting married'".

Sungjae: "Huh, Eomma what are you talking about?"

Mum: "You heard it right"

Soo-young: "Eomma, what is this about?"

Mrs Park: "Soo-young, you and Sungjae are getting married, on the arrangement of your grandfathers' years ago."

Soo-young: "Huh, Eomma I am definitely not getting married to this jerk."

Mr Park: "Mind your language, young lady, you are getting married and you have no choice."

Soo-young: "Appa, I am only seventeen!!"

Mr Park: "I don't care, these are your grandfather's words."

Soo-young: "Appa, I am not getting married!!!" And with that she ran out, tears making rivers down her cheeks.

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