Drink UP!

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Today is my birthday.! Woooop
I'm planning on going out partying with my girls and having a good time I'm turning 18, very big now.


My mom woke me up in the morning singing happy birthday in Thai.

Mom: S̄uk̄hs̄ạnt̒ wạn keid
Me : thanks mommmy!
Mom: we have all your presents ready for later, I'm going downstairs to cook breakfast for you and your siblings, S̄uk̄hs̄ạnt̒ wạn keid again my darling.

My moms accent is abit of a mess but it's still understandable, my mums officially 5'2 she's so tiny yet I'm 5'6.
I went into my bathroom and had a shower and brushedmy teeth, I put on ripped jeans and a brown turtle neck with some nude heels. I put my hair in a sleek pony tail with a parting. I turned on my phone and said thank you to all my birthday messages, I got a weird message saying ' HAVE A GOOD ONE, SEE U SOON.... From death. The number was unknown. I shook my head it's probably just Elise playing with me , I laughed it off suddenly feeling the back of neck hairs lifting up and this feeling I was being watched. I shook my body it's just the birthday blues I said to my myself and continued to go downstairs.

Chi - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISSY semi yelled my little sister china, she's 4. I ran to her and hugged her
Me - thank you chichi, Rạk khuṇ
Which is Thai for I love you.
Asia - Happy birthday girl! We Finna turn up todayyyy, shaking that big ass of yours. Asia let's just say she's black, she is so ghetto it's unreal I've gotta love her tho. And I must admit I've got the body of a black girl.
Me - *laughing* girl you're crazy, fr
Asia - for real though, happy birthday boo
Me- thank you yungling
Asia - whatever yunglee
Mom - breakfast is ready,
We eat and talked and I was ready to head out and get a makeover I'm 18 and in tired of this look!
Dad- yunglee, happy birthday here's $900, I put some more in your bank card. This is the only time I'm telling you to be crazy have a good birthday my girl I love you very much. Be safe
Me - thanks dad! Love youuuuy
I can't wait to spend this monayyyyyy!

I left my house and got in my car, which was just a blank Bentley and I drove to the mall. I got out and alot if people where looking at me, I rolled my eyes and strutted in like Beyoncé and I went to givenchy and bought some cute heels, black with gold strips and buckles I then went to some other shop and bought a beautiful dress👏 not revealing yet. I was walking around the mall with all my bags when I saw the dark figure behind me,

?? - what?
Me - huh
?? - why you looking at me
Me- sorry ( I was really thinking - negro if you don't get away from me!!!!)
?? - whatever
I walked away suddenly that feeling I had earlier came back, whatever I thought to myself and kept walking. I went to go get my hair straightened and trimmed and I did my nails all white. I left the mall and headed home.

Brrrrrrrrrr brrrrrrr my phone rang

Me- hello
??- *breathing hard*
Me - wtf is the point of calling me
?? - cut the fucking attitude, you gon' get it tonight.
Me - Argh boy bye.


?? - did you see her at the mall
??- yeah she's hella fine
?? - you can do whatever you want to her when she's within our possession. Her father might wanna thank us and give us that money however for now we need to get her here! You better not fuck this mission CHRIS dammit, you've done killed enough girls and ruined the whole shazam! Be motherfucking careful!

Chris - yes boss I got it dw


I'm chris, I'm 22, I'm from Cali my mothers black and my fathers black. I don't need no intro. You better know I'm a THUG! I kill bitches and niggas I fuck hoes and I smoke weed! Crack anything I want. My dad died and my momma is an addict. You probably wondering who the boss is well shit I ain't even know! We speak on the phone and that's it. Yeahyeahyeah I done fucked up a lot of missions but I've got this one! I might have to make the bitch my slave. Anyways there's a drink up later and I'm going to go there and take her when I get her pissed! Don't even judge me because IDFWU and IDGAF!

Lisa - daddy, she moaned sitting on my lap. Can we go again
Me - get out
Lisa - why wtf is your prob-
Me- bitch get the fuck OUT BEFORE I BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF! She left getting scared running out half naked.
Its almost time to get this bitch yawn this better be good!

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