Hyline High School- the principle

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I walked into the high school, it was even bigger on the inside. holy shi- then a teacher saw me.

"Walk you way to the principle's office!" he said in a very mean tone

great I just walked into the door and i'm already in trouble  i thought to myself. its a good thing the have signs up all over the place for the freshman or i never would have found my way there. i knocked on their door.

i heard a female voice say "Come in! Come in! " the principle was a female, i was genuinely surprised, you don't see that every day.  she told me to sit down in the chair in from of her desk. she asked me what I was doing here on the first day. i explained  that i was just in awe because the school was so big and that word slipped through the filter in my brain.

"I see. well I understand, because i made the same stupid mistake when i was a freshman! Don't worry about it! Ill give you 7 tries on coming here but on the 8th then you will get into trouble." she said in calm and understanding voice

"thank you miss..." i paused because I didn't looks to see what her name was

"You can just call me Zelda" she stated

I then proceeded to look around her office, there was tons of Legend Of Zelda collectibles around the room. 

"Is that really your name?" i asked her shyly

"yes it is. and if you look in the corner of my room you will see a platinum addition original Legend Of Zelda cartridge." she stated proud of her extensive collection

Wow! i love that game my grandpa had the old console and it still works, he also had that game but sadly he had it buried with him, he sure loved that game." my voice went from exited to sad

Zelda then proceeded to take the platinum edition game off her wall and held it out to me. 

"Here, take it, i don't have the console to play it anymore" she said happily

"R-Really? but the game on it own can be worth over 1,000 dollars, are you sure" i question her decision

"Yes I'm sure, my Father would want a fellow legend of zelda player to have it and besides all its been doing for 10 years is collecting dust." She said

"Thank you! i've been wanting to get this game for so long but i could never find it!" i said happily as i skipped out of her office while shoving it in my bag.

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