3 | My Friend

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chapter three:my friend ______

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chapter three:
my friend

When Eretria opened her eyes, she laid next to Anya. She scoped out her surroundings, noticing the man-made wall and large space ship. She had no idea where she was. Anya began to wake, her face morphing into a look of anger as she untied her hands.

Eretria quickly rose to her feet, preparing herself to stop the fight she knew was going to happen. "Anya, wait," she said, holding out her hands. Anya glared at her friend before punching her in the face, catching her off guard.

With Eretria distracted, Anya attacked Clarke. The two began to fight each other, throwing punches and kicking each other. When Eretria recovered from the unexpected attack, she joined the fight.

The brunette received multiple blows to the face and torso, but not as many as Clarke. Anya knocked the blonde to the ground, leaving herself open in the process. Eretria charged the woman, knocking her to the ground. She quickly climbed on top of Anya, sending multiple blows to her face. "I don't wish to fight you," she said.

Anya ignored her as she desperately searched for a weapon. Eretria was too skilled in hand-to-hand combat. When her fingers finally grasped a small knife, she plunged the blade into Eretria's shoulder. She cried out in pain as Anya ripped it out and pushed her to the side.

Anya made her way over to Clarke, climbing on top of the girl. She raised the knife above her head, ready to kill. The blonde gripped one of Anya's wounds, giving her the upper-hand. Clarke was now on top of Anya, ready to kill.

"No!" Eretria shouted, not wanting to see her friend die. Clarke stopped, suddenly distracted by something in the distance. She plunged the knife into the ground and stood up, staring at the sky.

"You fought well," Anya said weakly.

"Do you see that?" The blonde asked the two grounders. "I knew it. He lied. My people are still out there."


By the time they made it to Skaikru's camp, the sun had set and it was dark out. Eretria and Anya followed behind Clarke, both of their wrists bond. Eretria didn't know why she was tied up since she protected the blonde, but she figured it was best not to fight about it.

"Look at that," Clarke said, staring at her home.

"It's incredible," Eretria said, looking at the large camp in awe.

"How many are there?" Anya asked.

"I don't know. A lot, I hope," the blonde responded. She let out a breath as she turned to the two grounders, undoing the rope around their wrists. "I'm letting you go. I'm not weak, but I'm not like you. Our only chance against Mount Weather is if we fight together. To beat them, we'll need our technology and your knowledge of this world. I know my people will help. The question is, will yours?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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