The Imperfect Perfect Doll

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A/N: Lou, and the other perfect dolls belong to STX films, and the others who created the movie Uglydolls.
The Uglydoll characters belong to David Horvath and Sun Min Kim.


"Your name is Yoon. You are a songwriter/model." -these were the first words she actually remembered. The robotic sound of the individualization scanner gave a name, an look and a personality her. And also her goal: Go to the Big World. It's every dolls purpose, to go to the Big World, and have a child. It's what every doll wants. It's what every doll is supposed to do. And it's what she was supposed to do.

'I wonder, how am I supposed to do that.'-she muttered to herself. It was early dawn, when she, and the other dolls, born that day got scanned. They were meant to be greeted in the morning. Yoon wandered around in the Institute of Perfection and wanted to see everything, not noticing the other dolls glaring at her. Then she stopped in surprise. What surprised her, was not else then a blond doll escorting a green bunny to a pipe. They went in, but the blond turned back soon.

'I better do, as I haven't seen anything.'-she quickly turned around and went back to the place where she arrived. She then sat down onto some runway-like thing and watched the sunrise. As her pink orbs were lit up by the early sun, she eventually forgot what she saw earlier. Then a boy walked up to her, with a disgusted look on his face.

"What are those ugly strings in your hair supposed to be? Is it some kind of ruined pigtail-like thing?"-the boy shivered at the sight of Yoon's hair, as if he was biting into a lemon. The girl slowly lifted her hands up, and ran her fingers through her hair, finding two longer strings there. She opened her mouth to say something, but instead just sat there, shocked.

'There's something wrong with my hair?'-she thought, but then found the strings rather special, then ugly. She looked up at the guy.

"I don't think my strings look ugly. They are rather unique."-she said and smiled-"I like them."

"You may like them,"-the guy said, and looked at you with a bit of pity.-"But Lou won't."

"Who is... Lou...?"-you asked while standing up.
"Who's Lou? I guess you're one of the newcomers."-the doll laughed at Yoon.-"Here, in the Institute, he is god. Never upset him, or you won't get to the Big World. Never talk back, otherwise you won't get to the Big World. Never do or show anything imperfect, or he'll never let you get to the Big World.
The boy gestured heavily, while not looking at Yoon, rather staring at a huge mansion at the end of the runway-like thing.
"By the way my name is Rowan."-the boy told her, while looking back at Yoon.
"Mine's Yoon."-she answered and smiled at him.

"Rowan!"-an orange haired doll shouted.-"Who are you talking to?"
Rowan did not answer her rather introduced her to Yoon.

"Yoon, she is Lily, trying to cover her flaws with curiousity. She does it pretty well, even Lou thinks she's worthy to go to the Big World."-Rowan commented.

"Hey, and your flaw must be: Accepting flaws!"-Lily yelled back.

"I bet you're happy with my so called ,,flaw". Otherwise I'd hate you."-Rowan told her, a bit annoyed.-"Anyways, she's Yoon, a newbie. May be imperfect, but I think not that bad. If we cut those strings, before Lou sees her, she'll be good."

"Cut? Are you really this stupid? Do you want her to look more ugly than this? Our hair is made of yarn!"-Lily looked angrily at Rowan.

"I personally like my strings."-said Yoon all of a sudden. The two other dolls looked at her in surprise, somehow forgotten she's there, and part of the conversation. Rowan cleared his throat.

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