Unexpected Guest

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"We are live from the scene of the crime!" An enthusiastic reporter declared as she looked on at the camera with an infectious smile. Moments ago the number one hero All Might swept in and delivered swift justice to a havoc wrecking villain!"

It was a late rainy night when Inko Midoriya sat on the couch, sipping  hot tea as the chatter from a TV kept her company. She was reminiscing about the old news, the same news she used to watch with her son when he was here. Her clutch on the blanket around her tightened as a new wave of sadness washed over her for the fifth time this night.

She missed her son immensely. After he was accepted into UA high, the prestigious school for heroes, she could never keep her son at home anymore. He was always out training or hanging out with friends, which is completely normal for someone his age, but it was a complete change for her. Her sweet little Izuku, he was growing up and leaving her behind.

Inko sniffed as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She promised herself she wouldn't cry about the matter anymore and she had to let go of her son. The same son who use to dress up in an adorable All Might hero costume and saved her from the fabrics of the devious villain Mr. Sheet. She cracked a pitiful smile at the memory of the poorly named deviant.


She gave a short scream as she felt a burning sensation reside on her hand. She looked down to see the tea cup improperly held within her grasp. It was a glass cup.. "Cmon Inko, get your head out of the clouds."

With watery eyes, the dark greenette placed her tea down on the nearby table and looked toward the box of tissues a few spaces away. Swaying her hand in a lazy manner, the box slowly came to her hands. It was times like this where she was thankful for her quirk. She placed the tissue against her burning palm. She then turned her attention back to the TV and tried to take her mind off the burning sensation in her hand. She played it back to her son's favorite recording. She had it saved on his computer as well, but she respected her son's privacy. It was his computer for a reason.

She smiled tearfully as the video started but quickly paused it when she heard a soft knock on the door. Inko paused her actions, placed the remote down besides her tea and hastily wiped her face with her sleeve. "W-who is it?" she called out before adding "I'm coming, please wait." It was close to 11pm at night, who could possibly be visiting her at this time? Inko approached the door, before a terrifying thought went through her. What if it's about her son? Did something bad happen? Is her Izuku okay!? She paced around the door for a few brief moments and finally steeled her nerves. She opened the door despite her not checking or confirming who it was.

"Yes? How can I-"

Inko stopped her sentence when her eyes clashed with wide and confused aqua-marine colored ones. The woman standing outside her home with nothing but a flimsy simple white gown, no shoes, no socks...just a dress. "Oh my gosh! You must be freezing!" Inko didn't waste a moment, her motherly instincts that she thought was diminished came back to her at full power. She grasped at the woman's wrist and pulled her inside the house. Oddly enough, the woman didn't protest or even make a sound at the action.

"You poor thing, let me get you some warm tea and clothes." Inko was not taking no for an answer. "Um, stay right there, i'll be right back." She moved to her kitchen and immediately started prepping for a new cup of tea. Multi-tasking she moved and also went to obtain some warm and fresh towels for the drenched girl. She rushed through her home, grabbing the first few towels she could find in her closet and returned to the girl.

Inko held the towels out to the girl with a worried look etched on her face. "Please use these to warm up, you'll catch a cold if you don't get warm." The woman only seemed to stare at Inko with a look of longing. The same look her son used to give her when he wanted something but was too scared to ask for it. Inko only let out a small laugh, a tender smile forming across her face. "Come with me," Inko reached for the girl's hand, she then handled it with care as she led her to the living room.

It took a few minutes to get the woman settled, it was definitely more difficult than what she thought it was. Inko realized after a few minutes of leaving the younger lady alone, she would start trembling. She would only stop after minutes of coaxing and reassuring back rubs, but Inko was there every step of the way. Tending to the young woman as any mother would care for their child.

The duo was in the living room, the unknown woman positioned in front of Inko leaning back on her legs with freshly new and dry clothes. The mother managed to find some of her old smaller clothes hidden away in her drawer. She'll fit them again one day for now they had another usage. Meanwhile she was sitting on the couch, her small yet adorably chubby fingers untangling the woman's long beautiful coral pink colored locks that were in a thick braid. "Do you have a name, Dear?" Inko asked as she looked down at the stranger who only peered back at her with confusion, there was something else in her gaze...sorrow?

When Inko didn't receive a response, she hummed and tried again. After this attempt she wouldn't try again, she didn't want to put so much pressure on the frail one. She might hide from her again and Inko didn't have the energy to coax her out of her shell once more.

A sudden grasp on her hand brought her out of her head. Inko then looked toward the woman who adjusted herself to face her. Beautiful light blue mixed with different shades of green met Inko's viridian eyes. There was silence, but something felt odd. Loud screams began to fill her ears. A sense of dread overcame her from almost every direction. She even had a sense that she wasn't even in her own living room anymore...She was somewhere far, cold and devoid of any positive emotion. The stench of death and blood made her want to vomit. Inko's heart began to flutter and increase in rate. Her palms were getting sweaty, her head felt like it was going to explode. She felt like it was too much, like she couldn't-!


A calm and soothing voice was heard over the high volume of anguish. The turmoil was over, the waves that threatened to overwhelm her were gone, just with a simple command that ran through her head clear as a bell. She remembered she was safe, that she was in her living room with a younger adult whom she took in to try to help. Inko then opened her emerald eyes, she never realized she clenched them shut during...whatever that was she experienced. Her eyes roamed to her hand still within the younger woman's hold.

The mother shifted her view as the quiet stranger gently guided her hand to turn over, palms up. Her light eyes scanned where the tissue was before her hand raised to remove it. Inko watched silently, her mouth in a small "o" shape. This was the most she got out of the stranger since she's been here. Even if it wasn't words it was something and something was better than nothing!

The young woman then took her hand and brought it to her chest, cradling it between her two hands. The pink haired woman closed her eyes in what seemed to be concentration, and shortly after, a soft pink light emitted somewhere between their hands. Inko let out a small gasp, as her hand was surrounded by an odd warm atmosphere. Slowly, the forgotten pain at the palm of her hands dulled until she didn't feel it at all. The light retreated and silence once again filled the room. "Was that...?" Inko gulped and gently brought her hand away from the stranger. "Was that you..? In my head..? What are you trying to tell me..?"  Inko squinted, as if that would help her get a better grip on the situation presented to her.

The pinkette didn't reply, but she did observe Inko gasping and covering her mouth with a hand. The hand that was burned by her tea cup, it was like the events never transpired. Not even a scratch or a mark. Moments later, wide eyes filled with awe which was soon replaced with fear slowly raised up until they met the opposing female's.  "No... it's you.."

"My name is Tenshi," 

The voice interrupted as uncontrollable tears made their way down the other female's cheeks. Inko tried to ignore the voice as she shook her head and choked on her sobs. She made a mistake...her husband warned her and yet she forgot the simple rule. The one rule he tried to drill into her before he left her and their child.

"Never open the door to strangers....."

A sudden recollection of memories that wasn't hers and didn't belong in her head sprung to life behind her eyes. Flashes and images broadcasted to her head in high quality, as if she was there. "And I have been passed to you, Mrs. Midoriya, in fulfillment of your husband's final wish."

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