Chapter 8:

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DeLuca's POV – a month later

Catalaya didn't go back to school. She kept saying she was going to drop out but between her mother, my mother, Diego and myself, we talked her into just taking the semester off.

She will be heading back to campus after New Years to finish up.

She is too close and we're not going let her quit. Even if she decides to not become a doctor after.

She's been different since her father died.

We've been chopping it up to her grieving.

Diego became my father's righthand man.

It was going to be Rico because when I take over he was supposed to be my righthand but he disappeared.

We haven't seen him since the funeral service.

But he needs to do what he needs to.

I've been going on more errands for my father and handling more work. I think he's going to pass it down to me soon because he doesn't want to do it without Rodrigo.

I rewrapped my hand as they retied him up.

I turned back around to see the bloody mess in front of me.

"Yuri Romanov." I said.

He chuckled.

"If isn't the reaper." He spit blood out.

"You know who I am, good."

"I'm not afraid of you pup." He spit out.

"I don't need you to be afraid of me. I just need you to talk."

"I'll ne-."

I punched him straight in the face causing his whole body to swing to the right.

Blood squirt everywhere.

"See, that's what your last friend said."

He looked up as I lifted his friends head out of the ice bin.

He glared at me.

"Son of a bitch!" He yelled trying to lunge forward but I punched him again.

"Glad to know I have your attention Yuri. You see, Sasha here told me that he was hired to do it. Along with you. But that you two paid someone else to do it."

He just glared at me.

"Who paid you to take out that car?"

He spit on the ground and glared up.

I shrugged and grabbed the metal baseball bat.

With all my strength I swung it straight for his kneecaps.

He yelled out in pain before dropping.

"Pull him up tighter." I said to the men in the room.

The tightened the ropes and he was now fully hanging.

"Want to tell me now?" I asked.

But he stayed quiet.

"Mmm okay." I said.

This time I swung the bat as his ribs.

He started coughing up blood.

"I think I hit a kidney instead of your ribs. My bad."

There was silence as I let him catch up with the pain.

"Now?" I asked.

I brought the bat back when he stopped me.

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