A untold story.

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((Hello! So this is future FawnWaffles! This is oldd..And really bad. It also won't be continued so i'm very sorry! Well i'll see you later, goodbye for now. Now enjoy? ))

The clicking of the heavy boots hit against the thick brick floor as the female stared into the distance in front of her, her gaze fixed on the darkness of the hall as she felt her thick long curly hair almost drag behind her though if it was weighing her down though she suddenly came to a halt as she heard the dripping sound of water as it echoed though the darkness. 

She didn't show any expression as he continued to venture forward as she came across many doors though everyone of them leading to nothing though she didn't even bother to look as her gaze was fixed on a large door at the end of the long corridor, she felt as if something or someone had been holding her back from this moment though it wasn't here now..no one to shield her from the outside world as a childish grin rose across her face as she reached the end stepping in front of the large door as she swung it open the light creaking through the gaps as the door opened slowly. This is it she was free! no more of her controlling father or anyone! she could explore the world without in his grasps as the door finally swung open the sun glowing brightly as she smiled her light green and black hair softly swaying to the side as she stepped out a gust of wind flowing though the air as her mixed skin color could be seen as she didn't look like a shadow for once.

Her soft miss-matched eyes darted around as she didn't know where to go and suddenly heard a clanking noise as she turned around the door closing on itself as it shut tightly, she let out a sigh after all this is what she wanted...to be free as her childish grin faded turning her body back in front of her as she started to walk her boots pressing against the fresh and wet grass as scents filled the air of just..everything! she was happy and astonished that she finally made it as the sun beamed down on the earth she looked up at the bright blue sky the almost cotton looking clouds drifting around in the sky. She turned back in front of her as she started walking, no running! she was excited! she needed to explore! she took in the fresh air as her long messy soft hair trailed behind her sometimes even lifted up a bit looking as if it were floating as she laughed getting far away from her old home though suddenly heard a voice call out as she stopped dead in her tracks looking around as she quickly turned behind her seeing her mother..? how? she was confused and astonished as she shakily walked towards the women who had looked like her mother as she called her name out softly.

"Dawko..!" She could hear the calls as she got closer now standing four feet away from the women as her gaze fixed on her face..it was her mother..but how..? the women gave a smile as she walked forward to her daughter her shoulder elbow length curly brown hair slightly flowing in the state of the wind as she stood in front of Dawko, and put a hand out as she set it under her daughters chin, "Oh Dawko dear...How much i missed you.." The women said as Dawko stepped back slightly "How..? How are you alive..?" She muttered under her breath as she felt tears stream in her eyes though she blinked for a second and the women was gone as her eyes widened "I'm going insane.." Dawko muttered to herself as she looked around quickly realizing that she had ran a bit to far as now she was on the outskirts of a forest. She had always listened to her fathers story's and loved to hear about the the other types of species like the sirens and the fairys!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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