Chapter 2

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One month later:

"Come on Sabrina! I wanna get seats together!" My best friend, Joey says.

"Ok I'm coming" I say and laugh.

Joey pulls me by the arm into our schools auditorium. We took our seats next to each other. We have an assembly today. I'm not too sure what it's about but we have a guest speaker coming in.

Assemblies mean one of two things. Everyone either sleeps or they are actually really into it. There is no in between.

The lights dim and a man walks onto the stage. Everyone goes quiet.

"Hi everyone my name is Lucas. I would tell you my last name but I want this to be informal" He says. "We're gonna start off with a little exercise. Everyone close your eyes. Think of something that happened in your life. Big or small it doesn't matter" He says.


No matter what anyone says my mind goes to the same place and it's always her. She never called me that day. I wish she did but she didn't. We never even had a formal break up. It was all just so confusing.

"Close your eyes and think about if that event never happened" He says. "What if we never met? What if I never did that one specific thing? What if I was never born" He rambles off. "I don't care what you chose but just think about the what if's" He says.

What if we never got into that stupid little fight. What if we were still together. What if she still loved me.

"Alright everyone open your eyes" He says.

I open my eyes and look around. Rowan was sitting next to me in the seat Joey was in.

"What did you think about love" She says to me.

"When did you get here?" I ask. Why did she call me love. That's what she would call me when we were dating.

"I've been sitting here the entire time. We always sit together at assemblies." She says.

"Oh yeah that's right" I say.

"Are you feel ok? You seem a little out of it" She says.

"Yeah I'm fine just a little tired" I say.

"Ok good. So you're still gonna come over after school?" She asks.

"Um of course I wouldn't miss it" I say.

"Great! I can't wait" She says.

"Me too" I say.

I'm so confused.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be right back" I say and get up.

"Ok" She says.

When I get up I notice Joey does too. She was across the auditorium.

I go into the bathroom and go over to the sink. I was ready to cry. What is going on?

"Sabrina what the fuck was that" Joey says loudly as she comes into the bathroom.

"What?" I ask. I didn't want to tell her just incase she doesn't know.

"I was sitting with you then Luke or whatever his name is tells us to close our eyes. I open mine and I'm sitting with Rowan's new friend group and you're sitting next to Rowan" She practically yells.

Thank god she knows.

"I don't know I open my eyes and she's just there. She thinks we're still dating" I say.

"Sabrina when we were told to think about the what if's were you thinking about her?" She asks.

"Yeah I was" I say.

"Sabrina that's not good. I told you, you need to get over her" She says.

"I know and I'm trying but it's hard" I say.

"I know sweetie" She says. "Ok we have to figure this out. Text Corey" She says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Just text him and tell him to meet us here" She says.

"Ok" I say.

I text him and he says he's coming.

Want to know what? This whole thing seems crazy right now. I'm confused, I'm hurt and I'm a little mad. But this could all just be a blessing in disguise.

Maybe it'll bring closure.

But What If... {Rowbrina} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now