God Bless the Child

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Why can't it be 2am already. She walks down the hall, trying to collect her stuff. She grabs all her stuff-which only consists of 3 t-shirts, 2 jeans, and a pair of joggers-and throws it into her patched up backpack. She took off the wristband on her arm, though the black ink bled through and the word orphan was now inked onto her arm. She scoffed in annoyance but knew she had bigger things to worry about. She looked outside the dusty cracked window near her single spring mattress to see it was still raining. She hoped the rain would've stopped by now but it was about to be 2 and she had no time to waste. She put on her hoodie and went down the hallway. She felt around for the table in the hallway until she found what she was looking for: a flashlight. The orphanage owner was poor so they always had flashlights since electricity was shaky. She grabbed the flashlight. She was walking when to the stairs when she say a black figure. She froze thinking one of the other kids woke up but it was just Darcy, the stray cat. She didn't have any snacks for Darcy so she just pet her and continued to go to the stairs. She walked down, being mindful of each creak croack and crumble that the stairs made as she want down. Now all she had to do was run. She opened the door, and ran. She felt the rain soak through her cheap hoodie almost immediately but she didn't care. She ran as fast she could, block, after block, after block, after block. It felt like she had been running for hours but she didn't dare stop in fear of being caught. She finally stopped running when she found a corner store. The corner store had a clock that said 3:30am on it. She walked inside, dripping wet, and walked to the hair section. Now that she was free she knew what she had to do.

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