5 Years

4 0 1

Crowds, how she has grown to dislike them. Especially in a town that has some individuals who don't believe in bathing daily. They stunk, and so did their town, but they were easy to blend into when avoiding the dreadful Imperial soldiers. "Tin! Tiiiin!" A voice called, a voice she grew to recognize in the several years she spent living in the streets of this dump. Though the thought of years passing, how long has she been stuck here? She honestly lost count. "Tin! We gotta head to work soon!" The voice was near, the voice of a lad who does not know how to keep his mouth shut when she wants to be left alone. Unfortunately for her; she went to him to get him to stop yelling her name out. "I am bloody aware we must head to work soon," she hissed the words out in a whisper. "I was stealing some breakfast from the kriffing Imps; you want me caught?" The lad could hear the frustration in her tone; he was younger than her by at least two years. Dirty blonde hair with eyes so blue, you swear he stole them from the very skies. "No, no!" He replied defensively the moment her frustration was dealt upon him; "I swear! But you aren't near any place that offers food though...." The lad countered; the two inside a busy crowd were in the middle of a town. The area that the locals call a 'tourist' attraction that offers numerous food stalls and what not lies directly behind Tin, just a few blocks down. "That's because I took some food from a drunk guard, and I have one behind me right now. Don't I?" She stated after noticing the crowd beginning to give them a wide berth, with a large shadow looming over them. That and the lad's eyes went wide when the sentence left her lips. "That's right little girl, now fork up the stolen goods or get a beatin' like ya never before." The heavily armored soldier said smugly; gleeful on what he thought was overpowering two youths in submission. "Tempting offer....," she muttered while pushing the lad forward who took the cue to run; which he did immediately. "But we gotta go!" She said and off she went, the smug guard no longer so smug when she ran off before he could react. "Get back here, you filthy mutts!" The guard bellowed, even without looking back she knew he was pursuing them. The crowd had quickly withdrawn into the safety of the buildings, abandoning the two youths to their fates. The cowardice of the crowd had placed all the advantages toward the pursuing Imperials, even if it was one soldier. "Nowhere to hide, you kriffing scum!" He taunted behind her, though his voice seemed a bit more distant. The heavy armor he wore, from what she glanced back and saw; had become their advantage on having more speed compared to visibility. "Tiiiiiin!" The lad yelled, seconds later; she felt a powerful hit to her right arm as if something or someone had tackled her to the ground. Then something heavy pins her entire body down, another heavily armored soldier who made an ambush; a trap she did not see coming. "Let me go!" She shrieked, mentally wincing at how panicked her voice sounded. "Now why should I? Two thieves caught stealing Imperial goods, even if they were merely food. Should be punished greatly," the soldier had an accent of some kind. One she did not recognize, "girl, you should have chosen starvation. It would not be that painful, especially after what we got planned for both of you." The threat was no bluff, violence poured from him like sweat pouring out of a person's pores. One does not need to be a Force user to sense that vibe; before more protesting could escape her lips. A hand had grabbed her hair painfully, the heavily armored soldier got off of her and another dragged her by her hair. A third kept his weapon trained on her, clearly wanting her to attempt an escape, an attempt that would end her life. The pain in her skull was unbearable, but the message was delivered, she kept her mouth shut, keeping the complaints to herself. Though the pain was enough to force tears down her face. 

Hours later.

Pain, far more than she personally ever felt before arriving on Fero. When that soldier mentioned starvation was far less painful, he meant it. Her right hand was broken, fingers useless as they smashed it; ground it an hour ago. She doubts the mighty bacta tank could truly help that injury. [It...... might need to be cut off...]. The painful thought came, even thinking hurt. How the Imperials accomplished that? She'll never know. The doors swung open, unable to see who entered; she flinched uncontrollably. [Not...... again....] The thought of enduring more torture had frightened her, and all they did first was made her right hand particularly useless for life. But who sat before her, was different, it was obvious that he was not one for torture, an officer who was...... young? Early to middle twenties from what she can obverse, though admittedly it is not easy to tell. The officer has dirty blonde hair, green eyes that reminds her of a forest; peaceful but dangerous if trifled with. Those green eyes were locked onto her; studying, weighing in options she could not see nor want to know. "I have a proposal for you," he said and she heard the Coruscanti accent in his voice. Just thinking about that place made her mind wander back to the Jedi Temple. How she misses that place incredibly, the distraction was enough for her to tune him out. "Did you hear a word I said?" He asked; impatience in his voice and it entered an edge that has venom in it. "No..... Your accent made me think of home, sorry....." She explained and regretted it so. 
"Home? You are also from Coruscant?" 
"No... But people from there had visited.." 
That made him more suspicious, she could sense his curiosity in the Force, especially regarding why she is here. On Fero of all places, "I see," he replied with menace in his voice. "Back to matters on hand, to avoid you stealing more food, join the Empire's Army. There, you will never starve again; what happened to your hand can be replaced with a new, cybernetic hand. You can potentially leave Fero, Lord Cynde will make you earn your way home. For a Sith, his forces greatly respect him." 
Sith, just the thought of working for them did not sit well for her, and apparently, the thought showed on her face. "Working for the Sith can be..... Tedious, but Lord Cynde is not like most Sith in my opinion. Far as I can tell," he made a casual shrug. "I certainly prefer being in his Navy than the others," he kept on. 
"I....... Need time to think."
At her request, he nodded respectively, "I also bet you like to consider it on a clear mind, correct? Well, join now and we can remove that pain immediately." His offer was a bigger temptation, she greatly wants the pain to stop. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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