Different Worlds

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Steve woke up one day, looking around his room to see it wasn't how it used to be. It had circles, a forbidden shape in his world. He looked outside to see multiple people walking around, not square he took notice, outside walking around. He looked into his closet to see a uniform, he had seen other kids his age wearing them so he quickly put it on and explored his house.

He made himself breakfast and ran out the house. He ran around, looking for other uniforms as his. He ran into a person. He looked up to see a tall boy with two toned hair and eyes, with a large scar upon his face.

"O-Oh! I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!"

"Your fine, I'm Todoroki, you?" He asked, helping me up in the process.

"O-Oh! Steve!" He wondered what school he was going to. "H-Hey! We're going to the same school!"

"We are. So why are you going to U.A.?" Steve lost his train of thought as he stared into the dual colored eyes of the boy in front of him.

"You have beautiful eyes Todoroki-kun.... U-UH! S-SORRY! I-I WANT TO BE A H-HERO!......yeah.." I mumbles the end in embarrassment. I look upon his face and see blush covering it. I jumped back as his left side burst into flames.

"T-Todoroki-kun! Are you ok?" He acted without thinking as he cupped Todoroki's face looking for burns. Todoroki jumped back in fear.

'Why does he look scared?' Steve thought.

"Ye-Yeah, I'm fine....c-c'mon let's go to school..."

They walked quietly after that. Todoroki seemed to be in thought and confusion. They walked up to the gates and Steve continued to follow Todoroki, not knowing where to go. They approach a large door with '1-A' carved into it. Steve walked in with Todoroki, sitting next to him.

The time passed as they talked, getting to know one another. Until a yellow slug-.... No that's their teacher Mr. Aizawa never mind. Aizawa stood up and spoke,

"Class we have a new student since we expelled Mineta. Ladies, your safe now." The girls in the room cheered for joy as he spoke.

"Come up front and introduce yourself." Steve stood up and walked to the front, taking a deep breath in and slowly letting it out as he turned around.

"H-Hi I'm S-Steve Minecraft a-and I have no idea wh-what my quirk is.... yeah.." Everyone looked him in confusion as a blonde with a black lightning bolt in his hair stood up and shouted,

"How'd you get in here then?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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Different Worlds A Todoroki x Steve StoryWhere stories live. Discover now