Guess Who's Baack!

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Yes I am back. The one who never really put a light on herself.. FLOWERRR

as most of you know, I have been getting grounded recently for being lazy, not doing homework, ectect
Buut my mom's a sweetheart and ungrounded me a few days ago :D Ik, she's the best and I love her so much. I'd ligit stub my toe for her :3 ily mommy, even though you're most likely not reading this gay wattpad story :v
Also. I wanna clear this out. I-i don ship it I'm sorry, my shipping game is trash :\

The reason I went with the ship is because I knew mackenzie would enjoy making it with a ship of hers. I don't want her to feel as if I'm hiring her, I want it to feel like at actual collab between us. So I went with her ship and I honestly don't mind it. We did agree there will be no smut cuz smut scary :[

Anyways yea, expect new chapters soon! :D

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