Untitled Part 1

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Scars are beautiful. I don't know why people try to hide their scars . There are so many medicines to remove scars or at least to lighten it. But do they really matter? Or do they really exist when you know every single time watching your scars will make you remember the incident? Don't you think you have enough strength while remembering it , also when it doesn't make your tears to fall down?

Trust me, you are enough brave to accept it. We accept the scars as it was in the past, then why keep removing? Can you remove your past ? Whatever you can do is just hide it. You can't change or remove it. It is written after that in your character certificate.

There are hidden incidents in every scar. And every scar is painful. You can hide your pain, but while saying it to other people make you stronger , braver, then why & what do you really need to hide ? The pain ? Or the accident? May be it's because you don't want to be judged by others. When you are really thinking about the judgmental stuffs, of course the scars matter from others perspective &  here you are giving importance to others whereas the first priority must be YOU .

Every scar made us stronger, strengthened us. Then what is wrong to talk about that?  Then what's wrong to face them? Nothing is wrong when you know you are strong enough to heal your own pain. Scars are the sign of the healed pain. Let it stay. It will remind you the hard work while healing it. It will remind you each & every time the support you gave towards yourself.

Brave enough to accept the scars, brave enough to say each and every mistake you did . After all, life taught us & gave us the points of - how we mistook , how we suffered & then how to feel seeing the scars being hauled away.

Scars are really beautiful , aren't they ?

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