On Leash

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"You will walk up to him and say no to his proposal".

His voice wasn't harsh, it was just devoid of any emotion, the kind of voice that gives you the feeling that you are stuck, maybe forever. The kind that reminds you of the consequences of giving away your freedom.

I am not a spectator in this race called life, but why do I feel like one. I never replied him, I wanted to say a lot of things but I couldn't. I didn't know what to feel; anger? Hatred? But that's petty.

I had always had problems describing things; books arranged in a shelf, a basket filled with dirty clothes or my semi scattered wardrobe, but I can describe this. I can describe the feel of my buttocks on the chair, it isn't comfortable. I can describe the feeling of a heavy lump in my throat and heart. I had answers to what he asked, or rather, what he demanded. I wanted to tell him to go to hell, to shove his demand up wherever.But I didn't, it would be wrong! I found out later that the wrong thing I did was allowing someone dictate the course of my life.

It is all regrets, but it shouldn't be, I still have my whole life to live but instead I didn't make a move. I continued to do what was demanded of me.

Everything is strange, my life is not comfortable but it isn't empty. I find solace in exploring the world of fiction, in the romance I couldn't live, in words on the pages of a book. I find refuge in the knowledge that 'He' never stopped loving me. I found peace in 'Him' and in the music that never stops playing in my head.

And yes! I might be stuck. I might feel restricted but in my mind, I have got wings and I have flown to so many places.

NB: I know the story is not really detailed, like names and everything but I wanted to add a little mystery to it. We all have found ourselves stuck in one situation or the other, in relationships, in marriages, in homes and we found ways to cope with those negative feelings. Some of us left, but some couldn't. I wrote this story to celebrate our strengths in uncommon situations

I didn't include detailed scenarios because I believe we have different experiences. Feel free to interpret it in a way that you identify with.

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