Panic attack

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Virgils POV:

I was just listening to my favorite band on the radio because I didn't feel like putting on my headphones and I feel asleep.(which never happens) But I had a really bad nightmare and when I woke up then, I started to have a panic attack because I thought it was real and it was a DEADLY ONE! But then all the sudden Deceit and Remus walk in.

"Hey me and Remus were if you would like t- VIRGIL!" Deceit said with Remus following behind then Deceit said "Remus go grab his headphones NOW!" Remus quickly grabbed the headphones and put on one of my favorite songs and I calmed down and they both hugged me then deceit asked

"Virgil are you alright?!" I just nodded because I could still hear them, then Patton walked in and saw us and said "Virgil are you Alright?!" I just smiled and nodded and Patton looked at Deceit and Remus and said "Thank you guys!" They looked surprised but said "Your welcome Patton" then I leaned on Deceit chest and fell asleep and I swear I heard Patton say  "AWWWW!!" Right before I dozed off but when I woke up I was horrified and Patton was crying and then I saw it...

Sorry for 1: A cliffhanger and 2: it being short But don't worry next chapter will be very long (that's what she said) well bye~


Panic attack/ A Remus x Virgil x deceit story~Where stories live. Discover now