Chapter Seven-I'm Gonna Show You Crazy

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At lunch, the Resurrection table is filled with whispers. The rest of the Graveyards are whispering amongst themselves as well.

"What's going on," I ask Willow as I take a seat.

"There's a new kid. Here. At Everstole." I raise my eyebrows. That has never ever happened in the entire history of Everstole schooling. People don't just move here. In fact, we are probably the least tolerant of tourists. As much as we love our history, we can't stand new people trying to understand it.

"And the weird thing is, she's from the Ludicrous family line. She's like, the little sister of the leader of Ludicrous."

"Wait? Ludicrous has blood relatives but won't make them Grave-Defenders? They have four members. They could use all the help they could get." Zaina points out.

Susan shakes her head, "I don't think you get it. When I say little, I mean little. She can't be any older than 8. Too young to be a defender."

"And she's in High School?" I ask bemused.

"She was homeschooled for a long time, and managed to get way ahead of the curriculum that way," Susan continues. She's always the best at finding information, "But for some reason she just decided to start school. This late."

"And judging from the way the Grave-Defenders are freaking out about this more than the rest of the kids are..."

"It probably has something to do with the recent events." Susan agrees. I look over to the Ludicrous table, and my eyes immediately find the girl. The only one not wearing the pink velvet cat ears. She's marginally smaller than her brother, who sits next to her, though the two share the same short blond hair. She wears hers cropped short, he wears his long and shaggy.

He's vaguely recognizable. We've probably fought sometime along the years. You lose track after so long. What's his name again...Re..?

I get back to my lunch, and am surprised that I've actually eaten most of my sandwich. "Solution one of depression: distract yourself while eating. It tastes less like cardboard."

Zaina pushes her hair back. I mirror her. We get up, heading out the same entrance, though she shoves the phone at me even before we make it out the cafeteria.

"Corpse: Yamini Renault. Buried a week ago. Beware, young daughter Emmeline guards viciously and son Jaxon is a Ludicrous defender."

I blink. Renault. That's his name. Jaxon Renault. The Renault family...I shake off the dark memories attached to that family.

"Does that mean the girl stopped being homeschooled because her mother died? That's why she came here? Why would the Contribute know that?"

"I don't know Dreue. I really don't know." She says urgently. "That's not the end of it. Keep reading. Quick."

"Warning: Failure to collect this corpse will result in punity."

I stop walking and almost drop the corpse. "What the fuck! Punity? What do they mean by that?"

"I know Dreue. Now shut the hell up. You're not supposed to know this remember."

I just notice that Zaina's eyes are redder than usual. Her hair was never particularly well kept, but now it looks dull and limp.

"What's going on with you Zaina," I ask.

"I'll tell you when you tell me what happened to you last year."

I never told Zaina. After what my parents said, I was too scared to even hint it.

"Then I guess we're keeping our secrets," I say, reluctantly.

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