Interlude: Illicit Dreams and Fantasy

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Interlude: Illicit Dreams and Fantasy

Always Be My Baby - Mariah Carey


Hot and sticky.

Those were the two words that Kyra would use to explain the summer that she meet Minnie. Barely thirteen and sexual energy was running through her youthful veins as she experienced her summer of firsts.

Pressing her head back against her head board in thought, she started replaying the first time that she had ever laid eyes on her best-friend.

[ flash back ]


New York summers were nothing to play with. Hot and humid, were the best adjectives to describe the muggy air that was choking Kyra at the moment. She was currently seated on the front stoop of Kyle's flat. Her brother had forced her to tag along with him to the band's practice, but then made her sit outside by herself.

Her eyes scanned over the barely clothed people as they passed by; creating stories for them as they moved closer and closer to their destinations. It was in the middle of a daydream that she saw her, dressed in a baby blue sundress and black jelly sandals. The exact pair Kyra had begged her mother to buy for her. The girl's hair was flowing all around her as she moved closer and closer to Kyra.

Kyra had never seen such a beautiful girl before in her life. The girl looked slightly lost as her small slender fingers clentched her little purse. She nervously kept walking, catching the unfortunate attention of leering older men. One in perticular caught Kyra's attention and made her skin crawl as he started moving closer to her. Fearing for her Kyra, shot up and yelled, "Hey!" at the beauty.

She smiled big and waved for the girl to come over. The girl looked a bit hesitant, but she came over none the less, which caused the man to move in another direction. Making sure the man was out of sight, Kyra stuck her hand out.

"Hi, I am Kyra." she said.

Questioningly taking Kyra's hand, the girl shook it gently and smiled softly.

"I am Minerva, but call me Minnie." she said in a soft voice

and just like that a relationship began to bloom.


[ flash back over ]

A smile had spread over Kyra's face as she remembered their first meeting. Yet like everytime she thought about that summer, her thoughts would go back to the first time, she had ever been wrapped within the blanket of lust by another girl. That was a summer of firsts for her.

Thinking back on her she could vividly see her. She had the most innocent eyes and the roundest cheeks. She was a bit over weight, but that made her even more lovable. She had the prettiest mocha skin with soft pink lips and a matching set of pearly whites. She heavily reminded Kyra of Minnie.

That thought made Kyra shift uncomfortably in her bed. Thinking about her first time always resulted in her thinking about Minnie. The girl she lost it to looked a little bit like Minnie and with a little imagination, Kyra was able to make her into Minnie.

She rolled her eyes and thought, 'I thought we had an agreement. No more thinking about Minnie like that. You may love her, but she doesn't love you, at least the way you want her to.' She once again slumped back into her bed and just as her eyes were about to shut, she heard it.

A loud chirp sounded through out her room.

Groining at the impending message waiting for her, Kyra took her time trying to find her phone. She knew who would text her this late in the evening. Staring down at the bright screen, she supressed the urge to grunt as she read the simple phrase.

'can i come over?' - sent by ...

She was the latest hook-up for Kyra and man was this one clingy. But then again all of them were clingy. Kyra had a bad habit of getting with girls who obviously lack self-esteem and confidence in themselves, the needy girls are the ones she always seemed to relate with better.

Huffing she leaned back into her pillows and thought hard about it. Her fingers quickly flew across the screen and with a slight exhale she sent the message.

'better idea, why don't we meet up somewhere?' sent by krya.

Getting out of her bed she slipped out of her comfy sweats and changed into a flowy dress that clung to her chest and made her thighs look soft. Swapping on some lipgloss, she smiled at her reflection and slipped on some sandals.

Another loud chirp sounded through out her room.

'sure.' sent by ...

The message made Kyra smirk as she grabbed her jacket and keys. Closing her bedroom door, she raced out of the house and into her car.

'i'll be there soon. xx' sent by krya.

And into the night she went.

Even in the middle of a hot hook-up in the back of her car, Kyra's mind went back to her first. In the dark car that was lit by the fuzzy street lamp, Kyra imagined that the ivory thighs were a sweet mocha and the blonde stands were really black curls. Her heart began to beat quickly and then like that she fell back from the girl with a heavy sigh. She hated this, she hated how her mind went back to her. It was like a complex web; at the youthful age of thirteen she fell in love with her best-friend and at that same age she found a girl who reminded her of the girl she loved and she used her until she was fifteen. Now that girl is gone, Kyra is still left with an aching heart and a bottomless pit of white girls.

Flipping her hair out of her face, she put on a fake smirk and stared the girl down.

"Are you ready for round two?" she asked with edge to her voice.

She had to forget, she needed to forget.


And scene!

Whoa, it's truly been forever since I updated, but this interlude was a bit harder to write. that I was expecting.

I am so sorry for being the worst updater, but I'll try to be better as we started to get closer towards the end of this book.

I plan to make this a thirty part book, but i plan to break it into two parts. book one and book two. there will be a month pause between the book so i can write all the chapters out.

i hope you are enjoying the book so far.

comment. vote. and follow!

p.s. i love you guys so much and thank you for reading my book even if it is a bit rough around the edges.

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