Chapter 19

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With heavy hearts everyone piled out of the car except for seungmin and me. "You ready to go inside baby" he asked. "Yeah I just need a minute if you wouldn't mind" I asked not turning to face him."okay my love come inside when your ready" he answered getting out of the car. I relaxed my body into the backseat and began to think.

Those people could have families. Brothers. Sisters. Husbands. Wife's. Kids. Parents. And now because of me they weren't coming home tonight. I just lost it. Seeing Johnnys face before he hit the ground just made rage take over. I felt out of control. My whole body feeling sadness just wanting to tell Johnny how sorry I was.

"You know I never thought after life would look like this" I Hurd a familiar voice. My heart dropped as I swung the car door open as to where my very dead first love was standing. I couldn't believe my eyes. "How are y-you here?" I asked. "When you pass you get on chance at peace before you take it you can come back to earth to give the people you love there's. Most people choose not to as it's scary and weird. I don't know why though as I thought I'd never see you again." He smiled.

"I don't know what to say. I'm crazy. Omg I'm crazy" I said taking a few steps back. "Your not crazy my love I'm here look" he said rushing towards me pulling me into a hug. I felt him but his body was cold to the touch. "Your r-really here" I said crying hugging him back as hard as I can. "I am my love now I don't have much time. I wanted you to have something give me your phone." He said I handed it over. He opened it and texted something to myself. "Don't look at it until your ready my love now please don't let those horrible people make you think killing them was wrong. They hurt me Jinnie and you did what you had to before they hurt anyone else. I love you. Seungmin still loves you. And as much as it hurts me to leave you here with pretty boy I have to. And you have to be strong for me and 127 I'm scared things will go into chaos without me so please check up on them." He said tear slipping his eye. "I will Johnny I promise you I will. I love you so much I'm so sorry" I cried.

"Baby I have to go soon" he frowned holding me in his arms. "I know I just wish things were different." Tears fell again. "How about that dance I was promised" he asked. I smiled as he put his hands on my hips and we just slow danced around. No music just slight happiness shared. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I love you Jinnie" he said kissing my forehead. "I love you too" I opened my eyes and he was gone. Tears just poured out. I'm not strong enough for this. I need to just turn it off. I knew it was wrong but I needed to not feel."bring me back when I can breathe again Minnie". So that's exactly what I did. I flipped the switch and turned everything off. I sat on the ground for a minute.

When I felt bored I stood up and headed into the house. I walked in head high earning everyone's attention. "Hyunjin you okay?" Woojin asked in a calming tone. "Yeah why wouldn't I be" I asked not caring for the looks I was receiving. Changbin and Minho walked up to me. Circling. "You flipped it didn't you." Changbin sighed. "Jinnie why would you flip your switch." With that everyone understood. But no one like Minho and changbin as they were the only ones who've ever flipped there's and came back. "What do you mean he flipped his switch." Seungmin said in the doorway feeling lost. "Why is everyone so concerned. I'm fine now I feel good." I smiled. "When it's flipped you don't feel anything. Thats what you said to me before you brought me back. You asked me why I'd want to live my life with never feeling again. You asked me how I was okay with living in black and white. You brought me back Jinnie after everything I said to you and did to you my bestfriend you brought me back. Knowing how long and hard it was for me and Minho to flip outs back on why would you flip your own" he asked.

I stared confused. "Why would I live my life in color when the colors are meaningless and sad" I simply replied. "Baby look at me" seungmin said turning my head to look him in the eyes. "What"I said looking back. He stared into my orbes praying to find some trace of emotion in there. He sighed. I pulled away. "Well ima go up to bed night guys" I said carelessly walking away.

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