{6}Small World

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"Over here!" She waved, the ship descended.
"Look at that damage, looked like the meg took a bite out of it like a good ol' sandwich." The man got off the ship.
Jim, Delbert and BEN were shocked, as though they've seen a ghost.
"Is that you, Jimbo? My, such a small world." Silver locked his arm around his neck and ruffled his hair.
"Look at you, lad. You're a man now."
"Hehe, I guess so."
Morph didn't hesitate on cudlling Silver.
"A, Morph! It hasn't been that long, has it?"
"This is Jewel. Jewel, meet Silver; an old friend of mine."
"Jewel, a pretty name for a pretty lil lassy." He kissed the back of her palm.
"Why thank you."
"So, what brought ye out here?"


   Everyone sat in the hut, eating stew in front of the fireplace.
"So ye gotta close up that white hole before all hell breaks loose?"
"Yeah. We were looking for the map for a faster way to Minerallis."
"Yup, that's where Jewel's from. Her planet was brought here through Port Supernova."
"Here boy," Jim caught the spherical object as Silver tossed it.
"I went on a few adventures mi'self before settling in this old can o' farts."
"Heh," Jim scoffed as he eyed the sphere. "You never changed one bit, have you?"
"I can say the same about you, boy. Or should I say man."
"I want you to come along with us, it'd be easier if you're there to help."
"Okay, I'll come along and keep you alive and safe. So you could marry pretty lil lassy."
Jim choked on his spoon, "So I could what?"
"I didn't stutter when mi talk, lil Jimbo."
Jim rolled his eyes, he didn't see her in an intimate way at all. She's just an ally, nothing more, nothing less.
Jim put down the half empty bowl of stew, Morph took the opportunity to dive into the bowl and finish it all up.
"She's just an ally, I swear."
"And I bet you a bag of gold dabloons that you would feel the hots for lil lassy at the end of all this." Silver held out his hand.
Jim gave it a short thought before pulling off a side grin. "You got yourself a bet, Silver."
"But look at her," Silver turned Jim's head to where Jewel was at.
"Need a refill over here."
"Yeah, me too."
"I'll be right over." She replied with a smile.
"Her kind smile, her selfnessness. Ain't that a diamond in the rough?"
"Heh, funny. Cause she's already a diamond." Jim said.
Silver stared at him with narrowed eyes, then opened his hand.
"Pay up."
"Pay up, you lost the bet."
"You ain't getting a cent from me."

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