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Bakugou pov

I woke up and saw that Eijirou had her face burried in my chest.

She seems quite comfortable. I won't wake her up because she'd be embarrassed if she knew I knew. So I'll let her sleep for now.

Without bothering her, I checked the time on my phone. 5:37. Later than usual for me to wake up, but it doesn't matter, it's Saturday. Shit, but I have a meeting today. I'll get to that when the time comes though.

Come to think of it, Mina said they played poker on Wednesdays. But yesterday was Friday. I guess it doesn't matter.

After a while, Eijirou wakes up and instantly falls off the bed. I had been pretending to be asleep so she wouldn't be embarrassed.

I sit up and look down at her. "The fuck is you're problem?" I ask with a smirk.

"N-nothing." She stutters out then stands up and sits on the bed next to me.

"You want breakfast? I can cook." I offer.

"No thank you, I'm fine." She says.

"You're loss, I'm a damn good cook." I boast jokingly.

She smiles a little.

"I'll have to get going soon. I have a damn meeting today." I tell her.

"You do?" She asks. "On a Saturday?"

"Yes." I say. "Is that not possible?"

"N-no, it's possible. Just coincidental." She says.

"How so?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Okay, then I'll be back later to pick you up." I say as I stand up.

She stands as well and gives me a hug before I leave.

As I'm in the conference room, Todoroki and Iida are debating wether or not we should lower prices in adaptation to the economy change.

I can't hardly listen to them right now. I'm still focused on Eijirou. Before I know it, Yaoyorozu is sitting next to me.

"Hey Bakugou, so I heard about that Kirishima girl, hows that going?" She asks.

"Fine, why?"

"Just wanted to check, they really came after you, didn't they?" She asks.

She's damn nosy, but I guess I did start it by doing the interview in the first place.

"Yeah, they fuckin' did." I answer.

"They always expect the worst of us, more so with you, it's unfair and completely out of line." She comments. Now she's just pointing out the obvious.

I hear my phone ring and check it real quick.

Mina - Hey, it's Kiri's birthday today, you better treat her good

Me - Is that a fucking threat Pinky?

Mina - Lol no, just a strong suggestion

Me - Get a few of her friends together that are 21 & over and meet me at my house in an hour

Me - It's well known in this town I guess so I trust you won't have trouble finding it

Mina - KK

I'm not sure why Eijirou wouldn't tell me it's her birthday. But I'm going with it.

Time skip

I get to my house and find Mina with Shinsou and Kaminari behind her. She did great on the few part. I don't think Eijirou likes having a lot of people around her.

"Hey Bakugou!" Kaminari shouts.

I nod at him slightly. "We're not doing much sense she isn't a child, but sense she's twenty one now, she'll probably want to get wasted. So that's my plan." I explain.

"And we're doing that too...?" Shinsou asks.

"If you want to. I don't plan on fucking forcing you to drink." I say.

"But what about a DD?" Denki asks.

"I won't be drinking. You three can have enough that won't get you poisoned, you're adults so I trust you won't be too stupid. I will be making sure you're not destroying yourselves or anything around you though." I explain.

"Cool!" Mina yells as she jumps in the air. "But to be honest, I'd totally like to see you drunk."

I raise an eyebrow at her. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"I want to see your mood. Like are you a happy drinker?" She clarifies.

"Not quite sure. But you probably won't see me drunk for a while." I say. I let them inside and lead them to the living room.

"I'll go get Eijirou, I don't give a fuck what you do till I get back."

I leave, coming back a half hour later.

I open the door and let her in, once she sees her friends, they say happy birthday, then she looks back at me.

"Who told you?" She asks.

"Mina." I admit.

"I... I can't do this." She says as she turns for the door, before she can get far, I grab her wrist.

"Can't do what?" I ask.

"I hate this day, Katsuki. I can't celebrate it like it's something to be proud of." She explains quietly.

"Then we won't celebrate. You'll forget. Sound good?"

"I can't. Forgetting is worse."

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