Our Auditions and Shane's Epic Voice?!

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Kylie's P.O.V.

Well here we are..

The sign-up sheet for Glee club.

I sign my name and put a gold star next to it.

Shane does the same.

Yeah..its a weird habit we got from Mom.

The strange impulse to put a star next to my name on anything.

Lets hope we make it.

Shane's P.O.V.

It was last period.

Soon I could audition for Glee.

I really hope I get in.

Then I'll be at least a little bit like my Dad.

I mean I look a lot like my Dad except for my glasses.

While I'm more like my Mom in personality.

If I get in..my Dad will have something to REALLY be proud of me for.

I'm not athletic..I suck at sports..

The bell rings and I run to the auditorium.

There aren't many people there.

Did I mention my singing voice?..Because its really weird..

It kinda sounds like Avril Lavinge also known as the best singer ever!

I hear "Shane Hudson" and walk on the stage.

The man in the audience is old.

He looks about 50 years old!

"What song are you singing Mr. Hudson?" He asks me.

"I'll be singing Smile by Avril Lavinge"

He looks surprised because the song is by a girl.

After I finish singing, he writes something down on a piece of paper.

"Ok you're free to go!" He tells me.

I walk out. Kylie is waiting for me because she already auditioned.

We walk to the parking lot where it is pouring rain.

We see Mom's car and run in.

"So how did auditions go you two?" She asks excitedly.

My mom is young. She's only 36 years old right now,My Dad is the same.

"Great!" Kylie says as I nod.

We get home and see an unfamiliar car in the driveway.

As we walk inside, I hear my Dad say "Rachel! Look who came to visit!"

My mom walks in the Dining room.

"Mr. Schuester?!" She exclaims.

I point to him.

" Hey..you were judging Glee club auditions today!!"

"Why indeed I was" he says.

"Why are you here Mr. Schue? " my father asks.

"Well, I wanted to visit my favorite leads in Glee..and I wanted to tell you in person that.."

He pauses.

"Your kids made it into Glee club and passed with flying colors!"

My sister and mom hugged each other tightly and squealed with joy, while my father put his hand on my shoulder, then ruffled my hair and said "That's my boy.."

I smiled. This was turning out the way I'd dreamed it would.

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