Izabella, a weird fella

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As I walk into the classroom, the first thing I see is Isabella sitting down in her seat staring daggers at her sandwich with a contemplative look on her face. She had always been a strange kid. She was quiet and serious  one moment and the next moment,  she was the most outrageous class clown you'd ever meet. Some days she would only eat very specific things like skittles, Oreos and other sweet, tooth aching snacks. But then the next day she could and would eat everything in sight and when it was all gone, she'd still complain she was hungry.

On days she was not around or didn't come to school for whatever reason the rest of the class ,and even other children from other classes who seemed to spend more time in our class than their own, would gather in a circle like a camp fire and shared all our snacks with each other .  That way everybody could get a snack even those who didn't get any that day.
We only did it on days she was not there was because, well, because she was a bit of a mood dampener.Depending on the day she would've either eaten all the snacks akin to a ravaging beast and on the other day she would've solemnly lectured everyone on the dangers of snacking like a gosh darn hypocrite and how it affects the teeth. 

She would come up with all kinds of horrific stories, which she claims are true but I prefer not to believe her for the betterment of my dreams,  such as Dr. Tooth destroyer, Dr. Drill fingers and other horrific names that i don't even want to think of.

Truthfully we had only known her for a term and perhaps she's got something going on at home  that we probably didn't know of ,but her behavior was strange nonetheless. It was a great phenomenon amongst all the form ones.

Some believed she had an eating disorder hence the crazy eating pattern, some believed that may be she wasn't too right in the head as some children tried to politely put it  and some children said flat out and blatantly that she must be psychopathic.

I, however, disagreed with all of these statements and thought that the answer was plain and simple. She was who she was and that was it.
I didn't know whose opinion to agree with because personally I didn't believe any of them or at least I didn't want too. But not even I ,who probably knew Isabella better than anyone in this circle, couldn't wrap my head around the conundrum that was  that girl.

Author's note: I don't know what to do with this beginning soooooo it's all yours if you want it.

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