ch-6 Black bull and the Silva

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A:n- yikes hope ya like it hahaha

3rd POV

When Asta open the door he was attack by a fire which burn him totally the blonde known as Luck and the bat swinger known as Magna were fighting


"Well I am Alviss Kisaru hn" said Alviss sounded like Sasuke for moment "I am Asta we are from Hage village" said Asta loudly Alviss sigh in annoyance "I am Bele a fairy!" Said Bele coming out from Alviss bag their eyes widen

Soon Magna lead them to their room Alviss was quiet thankful Asta and them are not roomates for he knows how annoying it may be if he snores and Alviss hate people who snore loudly disturbing his sleeping time

The next morning Alviss just excuse himself from Magna and Asta who was doing work well he did finish his job the fastest now he is busy trying to push off Luck who is constantly asking him to fight annoyed Alviss ask "Why do you want to fight so much Luck-senpai?" Luck eyes twinkle "cause your eyes held so much strong vibe also the way you hide your mana may decieve others not me I can sense you" said Luck with pure admiration? Bele was nowhere to seen "battle...why not battle through game!" Said Alviss making Luck confuse Alviss uses his three dimention magic forming a battle field with small Alviss and Luck there was control pannel "this is so cool how can we fight " ask Luck as Alviss was busy teaching Luck how to control the game panel until the whole base member sense a powerful magic to notice Noelle power out of control "Geez what shall we do" ask Finral until Alviss spoke "I am blasting Asta up there to use anti magic sword as soon the bubble broke Finral-sensei use teleportation magic to bring them here" said Alviss in casual tune Asta was like I don't want to go there excuse but the leader Yami wasn't having any of this and thrown Asta at the bubble which burst but Finral realized he forgot to bring his book and it's kept inside Alviss doesn't have a option so he just mumble a magic spell a big hole appear which lead Asta and Noelle who almost about to crash at the floor teleport back on their feet in front Noelle leg seems to give up and she fall on her knees Alviss quietly left the scene Noelle didn't still realise Alviss was there also Noelle was pretty amuse to see Bele the fairy She went to her rooom dress into another clothes when she came out from her door "here you might be tired from the mana out of control" said Alviss giving Noelle a slice of chocolate cake in a plate Noelle blush "A-Alviss.. t-thanks for helping me earlier" said Noelle unusually kind to Alviss "Hey Alviss is that cake! Can i have some" said Asta saying Loudly "You insect this is my cake giving by Alviss!" Said Noelle quickly taking the cake Alviss sweatdrop at Noelle strange behaviour "Alviss!! Help!" Shouted a voice to see Charmy hugging behind Alviss suddenly "Charmy that's my first cooking you know I was going to try it!" Said Bele coming with a angry face "Now Bele don't be that angry we can make new one" said Alviss "I don't have any-wait you will help?" Ask Bele with widened eyes Alviss nodded and quickly walk towards Bele leaving the speechless characters

What a day right?

End of 3rd POv

At clover kingdom


'So he is From that kingdom... hm...' I thought smirking "ah I can't wait to see his magic!" I Said with pure admiration which thick off the blue light Mushroom hair man

End of ??POV

A:n well short but sorry

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