Chisa loves to give compliments

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Chisa:*wakes up and looks at her calendar which has kittens on it* It's Wednesday so that means I have you give everyone a compliment! *leaves her room*

Chisa: Seiko you look nice today!

Seiko:*face turns red*

Ruruka:*about to throw her beanie away so she can get a new one*

Chisa: Ruruka, that beanie is lovely I think you should keep it!

Ruruka: hmm *puts her beanie back on*

Chisa: Juzo! You look manly today!

Juzo: Hell yeah I do

Chisa: It looks like your making something cool Sonosuke!

Sonosuke: Thanks

Chisa: Hey Kyoko you're hair looks nice today is it in a different style today?

Kyoko: Um no... *didn't get that it was a compliment*

Chisa: Daisaku! I hope you work hard today!

Daisaku: I will

Chisa: Ryota that's a cool anime you're making!

Ryota: Oh thanks

Chisa: Gozu I hope you do well today!

Chisa: Makoto I hope your luck is good today!

Makoto: Thank-*walks into wall*

Chisa: Gekkogahara your avatar is adorable!

Usami: Thanks!

Chisa: Kyosuke your hair looks pretty shiny today!

Chisa: Tengan I hope everything works put for you!

Chisa: Byakuya your glasses look shiny you must've cleaned them for a while

Byakuya: Yes I was cleaning them for about ten minutes

Chisa: Hina your hair is pretty cute when you have it down like that

Hina: Thanks! You look nice too!

Chisa: Hiro I hope you have good luck with your predictions!

Chisa: Toko you look beautiful with your hair down!

Toko: You're lying to me

Chisa: No I'm not! And to prove it I'll hug you! *hugs Toko*

Toko:*is very uncomfortable and needs help from her girlfriend who is eating donuts*

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