Chapter 12

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I got my phone and I called chantel

*phone convo*


Me:hey chantel, how are you?

C:good and you?

Me: pretty good, are you busy

C: no, not at all

Me: umm do you maybe wanna come over, my friend Justin wants to meet you

C: as in Justin bieber?


C:I would love too come over!! , im on my way bye

And then she hung up... Well someone's excited

*end of convo*

"What did she say" Justin asked

"She's coming" I said

I wanted it to be just him and I but that would be incredibly selfish and I like chantel soo yea..

"YESS!!, so what is she like" he asked eagerly

"She's sweet, she's funny, she can be a little inappropriate sometimes though" I said

" I like inappropriate" he said with a wink

I just gave him a death glare and he started laughing

*15 minutes later*

I heard a knock on the door, I got off of the couch from a long conversation about channel with justin

And I opened the door to see a very happy chantel

I don't know why she's so excited I mean she's never talked about him to me EVER

"Heyyy y/n" she said while giving me a hug

"Hey, chantel" I said

While we were greeting each other Justin walked up to us and cleared his throat so he could get out attention

"Oh yea, Chantal this is Justin, Justin this is channel". I said introducing them to each other

"Nice too meet you beautiful" Justin said to chantel

" you too handsome" she said while blushing

While I mentally rolled my eyes because they were flirting like I wasn't even there

I cleared my throat like Justin did earlier

"Oh sorry" chantwl said while still blushing

" um so what do you guys wanna do" I asked

" we can watch another movie" Justin suggested... " I mean if it's alright with chantel" he continued

"A movie is good" she said smiling hard

" Okay a movie it is, Justin you can pick the movie again" I said

" okay" he said

Justin went over to the movie shelf And he picked the purge

" omg that movie is so scary" channel said

"It's alright baby, I'll keep you safe" he said

Didn't he just tell me that like a hour ago

"Aww ok" she said once again while blushing

We all sat on the couch but I was on the left side of the couch while Justin and Chantel were on the right side cuddling
They just met and their acting like a couple

While we were watching the movie justin and channel kept flirting and .. I think they were whispering dirty things in each other's ear

*end of movie*

"That was so good" Chantal said preferring to the movie I hope

" I know right" he agreed

We all started walking too the door

"See ya later y/n" channel said

"See ya" I responded

"And it was very nice meeting you jay" Chantal said with her index fingernail in between her teeth giving him a tease look

" you too baby, maybe we can hang out sometime ,what's you number" he asked

am I invisible....

She gave him her phone number and they hugged and she left

"Channel is so cool, she's even more gorgeous in person" he said

"I'm glad you liked her" I said kinda annoyed but not showing it

"You okay" he asked

Or maybe I did show it a little

" yea,I'm just tired"

" okay, well I'll get going then goodnight" he said

"Goodnight Justin" I said while giving him a hug he smelled so good wait am I falling for him .. No I can't be... Been there done that

Justin left and I went upstairs and I took a shower and later in bed and I was out like a light

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