Chapter 2

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Nepeta's 1st personPOV

"I WANTED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING." I stood there for a second before stepping aside to let Karkitty in. "So what is it that you wanted to tell me?" I asked. "YOU KNOW TEREZI RIGHT?" I nodded. "What about Terezi?" I asked tilting my head in confusion. "WELL I THINK I HAVE RED FEELINGS FOR HER." My heart dropped when he said that. I felt like crying but I had to stay strong. "O-oh why did you tell me?" "I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW SO YOU CAN SHIP US." My heart just broke. "O-okay Karkat...well if that's all you should get going I can start shipping..." With that Karkat left. I shut the door and began bawling my eyes out. Soon I was crying in a green puddle.

Karkat's POV

Why did I say that?! I'm such and idiot. Ugh now she knows who I'm flushed for. But whatever I'll just deny it. But this one questions needs to be answered....why did she use my real name? And I am pretty sure I heard crying. But then again it could all be my imagination.
Equius' POV (Didn't expect that now did you?)

I was walking past Nepeta's hive when I heard crying. I decided to check it out because I am her moirail after all. I let myself in and there I saw Nepeta curled up in her own pool of tears crying. "N-Nepeta?" I asked worry clearly in my voice. "What happened?" She didn't answer. "K-Karkitty...." She chocked out. I suddenly became angry. I knew Karkat did something to her. So before she could finish I stormed out of her hive and stomped to Karkat's hive.

Ok here is your chapter. Sorry it is short but oh well. I hope you enjoyed I did this on my phone so sorry if some words are miss spelled and if some sentences do not make sense. Remember to comment, rate, and share! :D

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