Chapter 13

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Sif pushed her way back to me a moment later. She grabbed my hand and dragged me through the swarms of people that surrounded us, and I could hear their panicked murmurs as we passed. If we didn't acquire some sort of healing magic soon, the after effects of the fire would kill the civilians just as surely as the fire would have.

I, too, was feeling the painful burns on my skin. The burn by my shoulder I had received by leaping back into the flames was stinging painfully, and my breathing was hoarse from smoke inhalation.

The liquid ice had to be created. I glanced at the casket lying on the gravel path as Sif pulled me past it. Had they come up with a plan to use the casket without having the watchful eyes of the civilians down our necks? Would I be willing to use it regardless, to help the people of Asgard? My heart was telling me I would, but my brain was screaming to me that it was a bad idea.

We finally broke out of the crowd and stepped off of the gravel path and into the grass where we climbed to Thor who waited for us on a small rise. Sif only let go of my hand once we reached my brother. With a quick glance, I looked down at our hands that were now broken up and then up at Sif before turning my gaze to Thor. 

"So what is the plan?" I raised my head, hoping and wondering if Sif was able to convince Thor that using the casket would be a bad idea. I found myself fidgeting with my hand while waiting for a response. 

Thor glanced from Sif to me. "We're going to have you use the casket for the potions."

My shoulders slumped and I let out a breath. Of course Thor didn't understand my concern and fear.

"But," Sif was staring at me as she took up the next of Thor's words. "We figured that if you use your magic--"

Thor interrupts, "--to do that disappearing thing you do." At first I was confused about what he was referring to, until I saw him moving his hands in a similar way that I do to objects I want to put into a space that only I can access. I couldn't help cracking a small smile while I watched my brother flail his hands about.

Sif watched him for a moment and blinked. She let out a sigh, but I still noticed the affection for my brother sparkling in her eyes. She then glanced back at me, the look she gave Thor was gone and replaced with something else - something different but slightly familiar that I couldn't quite place. 

"We'll have you take it into the castle and use it in there. None of the civilians want to go back in there for a while. Then I can make the potion."

I blinked at Sif, knowing  that the plan was a smart one. "Sounds like a good idea."

Sif smiled and Thor clapped me on the shoulder with a loud laugh of triumph. I glared at him, feeling familiar annoyance bubbling in my stomach. I merely stiffened up and turned away from him, though, not letting my irritation cause me to lash out. 

"I'll go get the casket," I began to walk away. Sif called out after me:

"I'll go with you!"

I glanced her way, blinked, and nodded. "Thanks."

Side by side, we headed back down the rise and paused next toe the gravel path. Together, we scanned the crowd for where I left the Casket of Ancient Winters on the ground. I spotted it's blue hue and began to push my way through the Asgardian crowd to it.

I allowed the panicked murmurs of the civilians around me fill my ears and drown out my own concern. Sif was right behind me as I stopped in front of the casket. The civilians were giving it a large berth. 

I stooped down and grabbed the casket, moving my hands as quickly as I could to make the casket disappear, sending it into a magical space. Only my fingertips turned a deep blue, but they slowly morphed back into my normal skin within a few seconds.

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