Chapter 4: Hospital

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[Sayaka's POV]

We were waiting for the doctors to come tell us if Gray is ok. They rushed out and told us he had an Heart Attack and Blood Loss. "Doctor Uchiyama, he is A-Blood and we just ran out of blood," one nurse said. The doctor frowned. I am A-Blood type too. "Uh... I am A-Blood type too. Can I help out somehow too?" I said nervously. He thought for a moment, and said "Come with me young lady." 

[Yūki's POV]

She walked away with the doctor, as I waited, and waited, and waited.

---------------------------------10 Minutes Later--------------------------------------------

The surgery lamp went on, while I waited more, lightly streaking my Pokémon. Time feels soooooo long. 

---------------------------------An hour and a half later-----------------------------------

The lamp finally went off. It felt like the whole day passed by. Sayaka came out of nowhere and sat next to me. "I hope it went well," Sayaka said frowning. "Oh, he'll be fine" I said with a weak smile.

The doctors rushed out of the surgery room and came towards us. "Your friend will recover fully in about a week from now," the doctor said. "Thank you sir," I said as I felt myself tear up. Sayaka did a long prayer, putting her hands together. I saw wet spots on the ground below her.

He was alive thank Arceus.

--------------------------------------- 8 PM ----------------------------------------

[Gray's POV]

Why is it so dark? Is it Team Rocket? Something was on my face, so I took it off. It was a regular hospital oxygen breathing mask. I was brought to a hospital? Are my friends injured? I saw a lamp and turned it on. I tried to get up, but something was on my left leg.

I looked and I saw... Sayaka??? She's safe then. Where was Yūki then? I saw Yūki on the other side of the room. He was awake. 

"Quick question....." he said

"..... Yeah???"

"Why do you blush all the time when you look at Sayaka?"

"Uhhhh...... Ummmmm........"

"Do you like her????"

My face felt my face blazing hot.

"Yep you do. Goodnight."

I nearly fainted because of the heat of my face.

It felt so awkward to sleep now. Better than sleeping with Team Rocket.

-------------------------------7 AM-------------------------------

[Sayaka's POV]

A loud ring interrupted my sleep. Yūki had his alarm on his watch. "Oh it's breakfast time!" Yūki shouted.I glared at him icily, but saw Gray pain as he got up quickly. "Are you ok? You shouldn't move around that much......." I said to Gray while laying him down gently. "Gray's schedule is breakfast at 8:00. Lets get our breakfast, Yūki. Stay here and wait, Gray." I said leaving the room. 

Today, the day went by quickly. I want these days to go by fast and continue our adventures.

-----------------After Leaving the Hospital-------------------

Gray seemed so happy to get out of the hospital. We're raced each other to Brock's gym.

All of a sudden, I saw my rival from Kinder Pokèmon Academy. She noticed me too, walking twords us.

Ugh, I hate her so much.


"Ha! You're so dumb!" Miwako shouted in my face. Harsh. I was bad at controlling my emotions and always cried. From the shadows behind Miwako, a hand would tap her shoulder. That's when I met Gray.

Why didn't he notice me these days? Well, I really changed while turning ten. Plus, I used to go with the name Azuki, but now, I use Sayaka.

I remember girls would group around Gray when we fought back in those days. Most of the girls just like him, but some worried about us.

------------------- FLASHBACK ENDS------------------

Gee, I kinda like him too.

Anyway, he separated fights. Made people's day better. 

Miwako was the opposite. She looked the same. Gray will probably notice her unlike me. 

But something was off with Miwako. Did she notice me? A voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Are you Miwako? You never changed. You only grew up!" Gray shouted in surprise.

She just grumbled. 

"Oh hi Azuki. What's up with your new boyfriend?" Miwako snickered. I felt so hot. 

"Who's the other boy?" she questioned. 

"Haha. You never have the urge to change, Miwako. We're met again on the day I started my adventures. This is Yūki." Gray said explaining. 

She just turned over. "Good luck with the couple, Yūki."

She walked away.

I was flustered. "You guys are a couple?" Yūki asked. 

I just smacked my forehead, and replied. 

"She just like messing with people." I grumbled. 

Authors Note:

Me: Hi guys! Hope you're enjoying my book so far.

Sayaka: What did you just do author?!

Me: What? 

Sayaka: Why did you bring Miwako back?

Gray: At least he didn't feed us to hungry Snorelax.

Me: Thanks for the nice idea.

Yūki: *facepalm*

Me: Jk. Well, enjoy the story, read, comment, and vote! Bye, and stay sa-

Miwako: I heard someone call me.

Yūki: Stay safe out there in the other dimension!

Miwako: Who called me. Author, hello? Anyone?

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