Part 26

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Shanaya had not expected such questions from her roommates. So she had to talk to Rudra again and inform him about the situation. To her ashtonishment, he agreed to meet her new friends.

"Why would you take so much of time to meet Shanaya after your arrival? " Anya shooted her question as soon as she saw Rudra. She didn't even bother to greet him.

"You know how much she has suffered alone?" She didn't wait for his answers and continued, "you are lucky that Shanaya is your girlfriend, if my boyfriend would have done anything like this I would have smashed his head."

Panjel tucked Anaya's hand, and whispered, "I think we should greet him first Anya."

"Oh yes! You are right. Sorry!!" Anaya looked sheepishly while Rudra was amused seeing the new roommates and now friends of his beloved. He wasn't angry. Instead, he was relieved that they will be taking care of Shanaya but still he couldn't reveal it to any of the girls.

"I am sorry but I was a little bit tired and also wanted my love to have a fission of excitement so I made her wait for a night." He winked at Shanaya who was blushing profusely and rest others were just standing there with their mouth hanging at his blatant admission.

"Why don't you all sit down and I will order something." He offered genuinely.

"Actually we were leaving. We came for shopping. See you later Shanaya." Panjel was the first to recover and respond. Three of them left giving Shanaya and Rudra some privacy.

"So? How are things? " Rudra started the conversation.

"Good, I think. "

And with that they went on.

Soon the day came when Rudra had to return and just like last time she didn't go to see him off. She was sad but not like last time. She knew in her heart that she was important in his life and he will be back if she needed him.

After Rudra's small visit to Shanaya, her life in hostel and University was not as eventful as earlier for which she amd her roommates were thankful. Soon, it was time for final exams and everyone appeared to be engrossed in studies. One by one exams started getting over until the last day.

Shanaya was sleeping while the rest of three were in panic mode and stressed. The stress was not only for exams but the thought that it was their last exam all over, something might happen with Shanaya was eating them. So far they were using university commutation only for exam centers and so were other students.

"What if they tried to pull some stunt today? What will we do?" Anaya asked chewing her lower lips.

"Even I was thinking the same. How about we don't take University buses instead use cabs and go shopping rather than returning to hostel? Afterall, even we have limited time period left with us." Panjel suggested.

And the other two agreed in unison. Just like that their tension melted away. And then they saw the sleeping beauty in their room.

"I really get worried about her. I don't know how she scores in exams. Here we are dying with tension and she is sleeping like there is no exam. How can she be so cool about it?" This time Panjel was the one to worry.

"God knows what she writes in the exams. I hardly see her study and wonder what she studies in one night that she scores like us and here we are, how much we study and still feel like something is still left. " Anaya agreed.

"Hey Shanaya get up. Don't you want to revise? We have exams today. " Anaya said shaking her.

"Hmm.. Five minutes more please. " Shanaya mumbled in her sleep.

"Look at her!! Five minutes more!! Thank god that this girl was not there with us from starting. I don't know about her butbitbwas would have surely gone nuts seeing her like this. How can she not be worried. She doesn't even cover the whole syllabus." Panjel almost screamed in horror.

"Why are you over reacting Panjel. We get choices to attend the question. Chill!! And let me have five minutes more please." Shanaya said in sleepy tone.

"Did you hear that??" Panjel said and other two nodded and started revising again.

After an hour, they brought tea and breakfast and woke Shanaya up to get ready for exams.

While having breakfast, they informed Shanaya about their plans to shop and roam around till evening, carefully omitting their fear. Shanaya was too happy with the plan.

In the bus on their way to Exam center...

Shanaya was sitting near window with her head rested on window pane and eyes closed. Anyone could have mistaken it for sleeping easily.

Shanaya was in her thoughts when she thought that she heard her name. All her attention went to the voice.

"No, you listen to me, it's last day. It's today or never. We need to get our revenge. So far she was protected due to Jonathon but not after today."

Shanaya recognized the voice as Nick's. The fear started creeping in but she decided to keep on the sleeping facade.

"Keepe out of it bro. It's not like that she was the one to harm us. We made mistakes too."

This one was Sandoz. God bless you boy. At least you have your brains working properly.

"You are a coward. Get lost! Today while returning from the exam center, on the way, we will see how much strong she is. Last time she had escaped when we were planning to go for outdoor trip and she along with those three idiots decided not to come. But today, I will show what a man is and how to respect one."

Shanaya never knew Nick had so much of poison inside him. He mostly appeared harmless, even when he tried to flirt with her in starting. Whatever..

Keep on planning idiot, we won't be in this bus on our returning. Shanaya smiled inwardly.

"But what if she is not there on returning?"

Bi*ch!! That was Prashishtha. She had brains? Who else was there in this? Was Natey also there? Will she also stoop that low? What now?

"Oh don't you worry babe! We will follow her right after exams. It's revenge, and chase will make it more fun. I only know what I have endured to see this day."

Nick said in a way that Shanaya wanted to vomit. Her heart sank. What will she do now? How will she escape this. She wanted to call Rudra but she didn't want them to know that she was scared beyond limit.


Hello lovelies!!

Hope all of u r doing well and staying safe and healthy. May god bless you all and keep u all in good spirits.

Stay home! Stay safe!

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