Chapter 1 - A Villain's Guide to Giving Up

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The so-called 'People's Hero' laughed as Alois peeled his small body off of the cold, hard ground.

"I will admit," she crowed, taking obvious delight in Alois' struggles. "That I have missed doing things like this."

"You've already wrecked me once. Wasn't that enough?" Alois spat, lunging at her. "Get a life and stop clinging to the ruined coattails of mine."

The hero twirled out of the way, her skirt gracefully sweeping over Alois' leg as she knocked him over. "Oh, honey," she crooned, stepping over the debris that littered the ground. "It's not about you - it's not even about what you represent. It's about what I have." She placed a hand under Alois' chin and tilted his head up. "It's about what I want, and it's about what I'm getting."

Alois jerked his head out of the hero's grasp and spat in her face. "You're a psychopath."

The hero laughed and wiped the saliva off of her cheek. "At least I'm not weighed down by morals." She bent down to Alois' level and cleaned off some of the blood that rested on his face. "Now, stop denying my victory and accept your fate."

Alois lowered his head. "Just kill me already and get it over with, I'm done saving myself and I'm done being your plaything."

"Oh, my." The hero cackled. "What a waste that would be." She stood up and brushed the dust from her skirt. "No... you get to live. I have big plans for you."

Alois scoffed. "You wouldn't be so kind as to finally set me free."

"Darling, you let me destroy who you are," the hero pointed out lightly. "You let me stomp on everything that you've ever loved. You think that you can ever be free?" Her eyes became even darker. "I own your soul - your very being. You can't be free from that."

"You manipulating LIAR!" Alois snarled. "We both know that I haven't done what your empire has framed me for."

"Bare your teeth all you like - I'll rip them out one by one until you've become my tame little beast." She smiled a smile that would have been considered kind if not for the hard, steel-like quality that lurked behind her eyes. "But it doesn't have to be like that. All you have to do is join me - together, we would be unstoppable."

"You've gotten cliche." Alois snorted.

The hero's deep blue eyes hardened. "You're leaving here with me, no matter what option you choose. I'm asking you to come with me as an equal, and not as a war prize."

She held a hand out for him to take.

Alois was torn. He was scared and tired at the same time. He was terrified of the outcome of what he would choose, but tired - so tired - of fighting an unwinnable battle.

His trembling hand met the hero's, and she smiled compassionately. "You fought wonderfully, but there is no point in hurting yourself even more by continuing to fight an unbeatable war."

She grasped Alois' hand and tugged him to his feet. "Llyr Amnestia." she said, starting to walk.

Alois allowed himself to be pulled along behind her. "What?"

"My name is Llyr, but you already know that. You would typically introduce yourself now."

Sighing in defeat, Alois told her his name.

"A - low - is." Llyr savored his name on her tongue. "Well, Alois Lumina, when we arrive home, we need to get to know each other better."

"Why?" Alois tilted his head. "I'm just going to be another slave."

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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The Complex Arts of Heroism and Villainyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें