Potion's Mishap (Part Two)

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     Oh shit, oh shit, fuck! Harry stood there silently cursing to himself, how was he supposed to tell Draco he smelled him. Harry stole a glance at Draco to see he was waiting for Harry to answer him.

"Well what do you smell?"

Harry jumped at the sound of Draco's voice.

"I-I uh smell..." Harry started to stutter out. He was worried about how this would impact the semi stable friendship he had with Draco.

"Well?" Draco said startling Harry for the second time.

"hair gel, wet grass and apples" Harry said already regretting it. He squeezed his eyes closed. Terrified of Draco's response.

Draco was still trying to process what he heard. Hair gel, wet grass, and apples!!!! Draco's face flushed red. But being Draco, he decided to play it cool.

"Okay, was that really that hard" Draco said teasingly. Causing Harry to blush and glare at the taller male.

"Yes, actually it was" Harry said crossing his arms and huffing, looking away as he did so. This causing Draco to burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing, I don't see anything hilarious about this situation, so please enlighten me on what's so funny" Harry said narrowing his eyes at Draco, causing Draco to only laugh harder.

"Your cute when your mad you know" Harry was taken back by Draco's words, his face became a darker crimson red.

"No, I'm not" Harry said still annoyed.

"ok, ok whatever, let's just get back to work." Draco said turning back to the cauldron.

"fine but you're not off the hook Ferret." Harry said

Ferret, what. Draco thought as he blushed at the nickname. Harry realizing what he said covered his face with his hands. His ears the only thing to hint that he was blushing.

"Sorry..." Harry mumble out

"its fine I don't mind it, as long as I'm allowed to call you lion" Draco said smirking.

"fine" Harry said removing his hands from his face.

"Good cause I would have called you it whether you liked it or not" Draco said while facing the caldron.

"your impossible sometimes" Harry said, Harry said looking at Draco with an annoyed glare.

"I know" Draco said smirking. He leaned into the Caldron and smelled

"So, what do you smell?" Harry questioned.

Draco looked Harry with a smirk, causing Harry to raise an eyebrow.

"butter bear, broom Lacquer, and the woods, ring any bells lion" Draco said still smirking, Harry blushed at the use of the nickname.

"No, why would it?" Harry questioned; Draco just shrugged.

"I don't know, I thought you might know someone like that" Draco said looking into the cauldron.

"hmm, I'm as stumped as you on that one" Harry said looking past Draco to see Pansy peck Hermione's cheek. His eyes widened and he turned back to the Caldron. He glanced up to see Draco looking at him.

"What?" Harry said, this caused Draco to turn back to the cauldron.

"Nothing...Harr-" Draco started to say but was cut off by .

"Alright class, tomorrow we will work on an essay on the Potion made today" professor Slughorn said, and everyone groaned.

"but you are going to be working with the partners you were working with today" this provoking another couple of groans.

"Alright class dismissed" Slughorn said and everyone started walking out going to the next class. Hermione waves at Harry as she and Ron waited for him to walk to the next class. Harry turned to Draco.

"meet me at the Astronomy tower tonight Lion" Draco said and then hurriedly walked away face flushed.

"Bye" Harry calls after him, but it was too late. Draco was already gone. Harry shrugged and walked to charms with Hermione and Ron. The entire time thinking about what Draco wanted to talk about.

(A/N: this is the edited version, to be honest i like third pov better, i don't even know why i wrote in first person.)

(654 words)

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